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"I got the weed at the crib, and the liquor too."

Once the photoshoot was up Jungkook sat at a desk infront of the two boys counting out money to pay them. Taehyung and Seokjin's eyes widened at how much Jungkook was placing in the two stacks.

"I would give you checks but I feel like you guys rather have cash. The total amount you guys are getting paid is $840 for each of you."

"Sir that's way to much-" Seokjin was cut off by knocking which the younger of the three responded with a come in.

"Mr.Jeon your father asked if you are going to come back to Thailand for your brothers birthday..." Ken said trailing off a bit fixing his gaze onto the bleach blonde next to Taehyung who had faded blonde with his roots showing.

"Tell him no, that I will be busy with an prior engagement. Please request for a car to be out front in 10 minutes."

"Yes sir." Ken replied before scurrying out of the room shutting the door allowing the young heir to return to putting the money into envelopes.

"Thank you for working with Jeon's make up. By any chance if we need more make up artist would you mind working with us again? The pay would be the same."

"I don't know about Taehyung, but I would love to work with you again" Seokjin replied with a nod taking the envelope the raven was handing him.

" I would be okay working with you again. "

"Okay well thank you Mr.Kim and Mr.Kim, my assistant Elsa will walk you two out."

"So tell me, did you sleep  with him?" Seokjin asked as they sat in a nice car that was  driving them to their job so Taehyung could pick up his keys.

"I didn't sleep with him."

"So how did you  get us the job?"

"Well I left my keys on my make up counter, so when I went back home I was locked out he offered for me to stay at his house. He got a call saying they didn't have make up artist so I volunteered  us since he let me stay."Taehyung said looking out the window seeing their work place in view.

"So while you stayed the night you guys just so happen to have sexual tension?"

"Well I'm no saint, you know that as much as I do. But let's just say he's very attractive and I would love to ride that train at least once."

"Gosh you sound like Jimin-ah!" Seokjin hissed before lightly swatting the back of Taehyungs head. The car stopped infront of the place both boys worked at, they thanked the driver before getting out and walking to their make up station.

"There's my keys!"

"Of course you would leave your keys."

"Hyung I think you need a good dick sucking from namjoonie-"

"You say anything else you fetus I'll tell jimin all the kinky shit you've  done." Seokjin said glaring at the smaller one who only held his hands up in defense.

"Aish whatever let's just go to my house to drink, eat, and watch movies."

Namjoon sat next to Seokjin who was rolling up a blunt in paper that smelled like cherrys. Jimin was putting a movie in while yoongi and Taehyung were bringing food into the living room.

"You should invite Mr.Jeon Taehyung -ah." Seokjin piped up before shoving some of the popcorn into his mouth.

"Yeah Taehyung then maybe you could finish off what started earlier." Jimin said winking before sitting down next to yoongi on the huge couch. Yoongi placed his hand on Jimins thick thigh before nodding along with Namjoon.

"Why does everyone want me to get fucked?"

"Because lately you been sassy and honestly it needs to be toned down. A good fuck will help that."

"He right." Yoongi chimed as Taehyung groned in frustration.

"Fine but when he says no, it ain't my fault. "

Taehyung stood nervously infront of Jungkooks condo fiddling with the oversized hoodie he had on, you could barely see the shorts he had on. The faded blonde took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell, he could hear the semi loud rap music be turned down before the door was opened. The smell of weed hit him as he was greeted by a hazy eyed Jungkook, the tight white shirt wasn't helping the dirty thoughts running through Taehyungs mind.

"Uhm Jungkook my friends wanted to know if you would like to join us for a movie night..."

"Sure. Let me grab my keys and a jacket."

Taehyung wanted to tell him to not to wear the jacket so he could see more of the muscular arms he had. Jungkook quickly grabbed his black Nike jacket. He saw the blunt he was once smoking sitting there slowly burning in its gold wrapper before picking it up taking one last hit before putting it out.

As he locked his condo Taehyung nugged him a bit with a smirk on hid face.

"I didn't know you smoked weed Mr.Jeon, surprised really."

The way Taehyung said 'Mr.Jeon' with his pretty lips had Jungkook picturing them wrapped around him, he softly chuckled before anwsering.

"It helps with stress, I'm more relaxed."

"Hmm hot." Taehyung spoke opening up the unlocked door, Jungkook took off his shoes while walking into the big condo.The first thing he saw was Min yoongi.

Holy hell.

"Jeon Jungkook?"Yoongi sputtered standing up quickly walking over to the two boys. The rest of the boys sat in silence as they saw Yoongis face brighten up.


Hyung? Taehyung thought seeing the two do a little hug, he thought that Jungkook was older by the way he acted.

"You grew up kid, you're no longer the little 14 year old I knew."

"Yeah, I'm 18 now. I finally decided to take over dad's bussiness. How have you been?"

"Great actually,I work as a tattoo artist with my friend Namjoon." Yoongi replied pointing to Namjoon who waved slightly while his forearm covered in tattoos was wrapped around Seokjin.

"Well let's go sit down and we can explain how we know each other."

"Sounds great."


Little short but eh, also Jungkook did a cover for beautiful by CRUSH that's for the Goblin K drama. I have used that song for this book, and honestly now that Jungkook has sang it I want to make it the theme song for this book.

♡Author Liv♡

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