12.서울의 문신.

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"Tattoos in Seoul."


"Never ever, never gonna make you cry."

"Its been a long day." Jungkook muttered as they walking into Taehyungs condo, both boys took a seat on the couch out of exhaustion.

"Do you have work tomorrow?"

"Yeah,I have two meetings with some franchises."

"You're so young yet you have such a hard Job." Taehyung replied back to him seeing the younger rub his face.

"After Jinyoung passed, I knew I would have to take this job."

"Still...But anyways let's get off that sad topic. I have a tattoo appointment tomorrow at 6pm...if you're off work by then do you want to go with me?"

"I'll go with you, I should be done by then. What will the tattoo be?"

"Its a suprise."

The next day exactly like Jungkook said, he was done with work before 6pm. They both walked into the Tattoo shop talking about random stuff before greeting a tanned man with bleach blonde hair.

"Hello! I'm Taehyung, my appointment is around 6pm."

"Ah hello! My name's Jackson, I will be your tattoo artist for today. I got your email of what you wanted so I sketched out something you might like." The smiley man said having the two follow him to his station. Jungkook stared at the tanned man, something about the man reminded him of someone.

He felt like he seen him somewhere.

"Alright so what do you think about it?"

The picture was a small crown with little crystals as details with the word 'Prince' underneath it. Jungkook almost had to do a double take at the work.

"This looks so good! Thank you Jackson!"

"Thanks, Okay let's go over to this leather seat and get everything ready. Where exactly do you want this?"

"The crown about the collar bone and Prince below the same one." Taehyung said pulling down the neck of his shirt pointing at the right collar bone. Jackson nodded putting plastic gloves on before giving a smile to Jungkook watching the whole ordeal.

"I'm assuming you're the king?" Jackson said laughing pulling out the tattoo gun.

"Oh uh no-"

"Jackson! Where's Jaebum?!"

Taehyung and Jungkook looked at each other with wide eyes looking for where that voice came from.

"I don't know where he is Youngjae-ah."

Jungkook knew he recognized Jackson.

"Excuse but by any chance Youngjae and Jaebum dating? Like is one a tall raven haired guy and the other one a strawberry blonde boy?" Jungkook asked looking at Jackson who only softly nodded his head, with eyebrows furrowed he looked over at Taehyung who had wide eyes.

"Go on and finish his tattoo. I think Taehyung and I need to talk to you about something."


"So how exactly do you know us?" Jaebum asked rubbing his tattoed arm lightly, Youngjaes hand resting on his left thigh squeezing it tightly as he stared at Jungkook.

"You might recognize me. But I'm sure you recognize the name Jinyoung."

"How do you know that person?" Youngjae asked nervously as Jaebum held a fierce look.

"Look if you're here to find out where he is i don't know, and I certainly-"

"He's dead." Taehyung said cutting off Jaebum, Youngjaes mouth slacked before looking at his boyfriend who had wide eyes.

"What do you mean he's dead?"

"Taehyung was in the car with him and there was an accident. Taehyung ended up losing his memory while my brother died-"

"Brother?" Youngjae asked while I played with the end of my tie before nodding. I felt uncomfortable as if I was suffocating in my tie and suit jacket. As I was taking off the suit jacket resting it over my lap I saw Jackson a little dazed out.

"But Youngjae and Jaebum. We have your photos. If you would wish to burn them, I can bring them to you."

"Did you find my photos?" Jackson asked finally speaking.

"Not yet."

"Did the other person die too?"

"Other person?"

"Oh. Well during uh...that time there wasn't only one person doing it to me. It was Jinyoung and some other man, Jinyoung was scared of the man who always wore the mask-"

"Did you know his name?" Jungkook asked cutting him off, Jackson only shook his head trembling slightly a tear rolling down his cheek.

"He never said his name. I was made to call him Master. Jinyoung was made to lure in boys while master taught him how to give us punishments."

"This is all a mess..."


I'm sorry that this is so short. But I have been busy.

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