5.악마 길.

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"Devil Ways."

"Till you come back home..."

When Taehyung woke up he was greeted by the alarm going off, he took notice how their legs were tangled together and how his face was nestled into Jungkook's neck his hot breath leaving heat  on the younger. Taehyung closed his eyes and moved closer if that was even possible, he felt comfort with Jungkook's arm wrapped around his waist lightly.

Taehyung heard a small groan before he heard the  alarm be turned off, when Jungkook shifted he pulled Taehyung closer leaning his head against the blondes shoulder. They both let each other's heat wrap them up with comfort, when Taehyung moved his thigh a bit up he felt something hard causing him to halt in his movements, Jungkook took an intake of breath knowing that the older one was asleep and didn't mean to stumble across his hard on.

Jungkook wanted to throw himself off a cliff at the not so innocent dream he had of Taehyung.

Morning wood is something Jungkook didn't want him to feel at all, otherwise the raven would have to explain...

Jungkook's dream

Taehyung ran his smaller hands over Jungkook's muscular thighs as he sat on the wood floors on his knees in front of the younger. Jungkook played with Taehyung's collar that had a bell attached to it.

"Awe look at Oppa's little princess."

Taehyung started  unbuckling Jungkook's belt before unzipping his slacks in a hurry, Jungkook chuckled seeing how much the older wanted him. He enjoyed the view of the elder so needy for him.

"Oppa can I start now?" Taehyung asked  playing with the waistband of the black briefs the younger wore.

"Yes you can kitten."

Jungkook felt the elder nuzzle more into his neck as he softly rubbed his back. He hand slowed a bit more feeling something wet against his neck, he knew it wasn't drool since it felt like lips. His hand moved underneath the shirt trailing his cold fingertips on the warm skin, Jungkook heard the smaller one's breathing hitch, he enjoyed how sensitive the elder was to his touch.

"Mmm Jungkook..." Taehyung said before his lips began to trail over the youngers jaw in a way that the raven , maybe Jungkook shouldn't be getting so handsy with his neighbor but he couldn't help it.

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