26. Finish line.

1.9K 138 23

Lyrics :
"loving you is like a fairytale."


5 Years Later.

Jungkook fiddled with the silver band on his wedding finger.
He was late.
Way late.

Taehyung was gonna yell at him, he was sure of it.

Slightly running he finally made it to where he was supposed to. The white tulips he brought that were Taehyung's favorite rested in his hands.

"You're late!"

"Baby, it's not my fault! There was tons of traffic."

"Mhmm whatever you say. Anyways how is your mother doing?" Taehyung asked fixing his dress shirt trying to hide the ugly scars that peeked out.

"She's doing fairly well. She told me again that we need to have a kid."

"Did you explain to her that we have three dogs? That's plenty of kids."

"It's cause she wants to brag to her friends about a grandchild." Jungkook laughed pulling Taehyung away from the hospitals bathroom mirror.

"Stop worrying Tae. You look amazing."

"I can't help it. You know how I hate these scars."

Jungkook nodded looking at Taehyung's once tanned skin lighter than before.

"Was it bad this time?"

"Just a lot of blood. The usual coughing fit." He replied touching his now husband's dress shirt fixing the tie.

"But is treatment helping?"

"It has been, my breathing has gotten better."

They called Taehyung and Jungkook lucky lovers.

Jungkook was left with ugly scars.

Taehyung on the otherhand, was on thin ice of lucky.

Being shot so close (two times at that), he was left with breathing problems. His chest decorated in several scars from surgeries over the years, Jungkook still loved him.

Jungkook still loved him even after the doctor said that there was a possibility that Taehyung wouldn't wake up from the coma.

He still loved the tan boy from his childhood.

The way that Taehyung smiled always reminded Jungkook of why he fell in love in the first place.

That rectangle smile was bright and happy. The way he would throw in random english words  when he did something good or how he danced when he won a game.

Little things made up his little lover.

Little things made up his husband.

When they got married he didn't expect Taehyung to cry from his vows nor did he think that he would cry from the elders.

I guess you could call them love sick fools but the two didn't really care. They weren't the only ones that got a happy ending.

Yoongi and Jimin got together suprisingly.

Youngjae and Jaebum were still together and now own a couple dogs.

Mark met a doctor who unfourtually has the same name as Jungkook's late brother, but Park Jinyoung was completely different than the devil that was now rotting away.

Jeon Jinyoung died that day. When he pulled that trigger, Junmyeon made sure that he pulled his.

The past that used to scare them like a scary ghost story was now done with.

Jungkook and Taehyung got married in America a couple months ago due to South Korea still not allowing same sex marriage. They were happy.

Like they were supposed to be.

"Taehyung...I love you. I really do. I'm so happy that even after all these years you allow me to stand by you."

"Of course I allow you to stand by me... I love you. Where would I be without you?"


Jungkooks vows:

Falling in love with you was like the first snow of the winter season.
It came slowly than all at once.
You polluted my mind with your sweet smile and small laugher that I pray that I can hear everyday for the rest of my life. I will hold your hand and help you stand with your head held high. I will kiss your scars and remind you of how handsome you are. Today I will marry you. So as we intertwine our fingers today and drink sweet red wine, I will be here forever as you will forever be mine.


Taehyung's Vows:

Once I was a deer caught in headlights. I was scared of everything and feared the dangers lurking. But you came along and protected me. You are the hero in my fairytale. When we drive home late at night, you always grab my hand... as if to remind me that you are there. That you care. Truthfully I feared that one day I would have to part from your gentle smile but today as I stand here, I know now that there is no way I could live without you. So Jeon Jungkook, today we will get married. I will love you now, and I will love you in the next life. Because you are the love of my life.


This is the end of Headlights.

Thank you to all of you who have voted, commented, and delt with my late updates. But now this book is completed.

I hope you find a love as strong as Taehyung and Jungkooks.💗

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