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Lyrics: "I'm right, I'm wrong. I'm everything but sure."


"So this is crazy." Jimin muttred looking at the photos with Yoongi who stood there frozen. Jungkook and Taehyung searched through the desk near the window.

"Is no one gonna bother trying to open this weird door."

"What weird door?" Mark asked turning around to see Youngjae pointing to a dusty and rusty door that had a broken off door knob.

"I fear getting my eyes poked out by a demon to look into that hole."

"Don't blame you Jaebum, that looks kind of sketchy." Taehyung replied pushing Jungkook towards the door, Stepping back a bit leaving only Jungkook near the old door.

"Oh great leave me to it."

"Well this is your brothers house."

"Shut up Yoongi." Jungkook muttred stepping towards the door before kneeling down so he was able to look inside.

"Do you see anything?"

"I can't see anything. Its pitch black. I'm going to have to open it."

Jungkook reached his hand out placing it in the hole of the door pulling back with all his strength. The door creaked open with a loud thud of  him falling back on the floor.

"Well it's open." Jaebum laughed stepping over Jungkook with his phone light, Mark doing the same with his own light. Taehyung and Jimin helped up the youngest walking in with the rest following behind them.


"What?" He asked lifting his head up from his gaze on Jungkook, Marks flash light shined on pictures of himself.

Pictures of him were mixed with several pictures of the other boy from the room they just came from. He looked passed out in one photo of him laying on the floor with no clothes on, the boy named Yugyeom seemed to have a similar photo to his own.

"We have all this evidence what are we going to do?" Youngjae asked holding tightly onto Jaebums arm who didn't even wince at the harsh grip his boyfriend had on him.

"Well the first thing we need to do is find Yugyeom. Don't touch none of the pictures."

With a shakey hand Taehyung took pictures of the photos scattred on the wall. He wanted to rip every single photo down but this was something he really shouldn't touch.

"What are you doing?" Jungkook asked looking at the shorter boy who seemed to be lost in taking pictures of the vulger photos.

"Since we can't touch any of this might as well take photos. I think we should take photos of the blood too."

"Smart idea."


They all now sat in the cabins living room sitting on dusty couchs looking through the photos on Taehyungs phone. Mark was busy away on his laptop that he brought with him trying to find any Kim Yugyeom online, the mobile hot spot was lagging but that didn't stop his search.

"I'm telling you guys, I can't find this kid. It's like he never existed."

"He either changed his name or killed himself." Taehyung replied without much thought, Jaebum raised his eyebrow at the tanned boy who only shrugged.

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