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Lyrics: I'm selfish I know, I told you but I know you never listen.

The sound of Jungkooks annoying alarm clock woke both of the boys,Taehyung being the first to fully wake up carefully crawled off of the younger boy to reach the edge of the bed.

He went to the bathroom leaving a sleepy Jungkook alone in the huge California king bed, the younger slowly sat up resting his back on the headboard rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

He quickly turned off his alarm on his phone to see several messeges that he didn't answer from yesterday.

Yoongi-Hyung🚹: heard your mum saw you. Call me soon.

Namjoon-Hyung🙇:soooooo are you and taehyung a thing ooRRRR???

Unkown: Heard you found my dirty little secrets. Watch your back Jeon. Wouldn't to have you end up like your brother.


Jungkook felt his heart race at the last text, he almost tripped getting out of the bed to quickly close the curtions that were open. His hands shakely called his assistant.

"Hello Elisa, please hire security for me. I want 4 men in front of my condo complex at all times, I will need a security gaurd to escort me to work, also hire me a private driver that will drive Taehyung and I to our Jobs."

"Yes sir, what's going on that you need that much security."

"Some unknown number texted me regarding my safety. I want the best gaurds, I don't care how much I have to pay."

"Yes sir, I'll be right on it. Are you going anywhere today?"

"I'm Taehyung shopping so please make sure we have a guard and driver by noon."

"I'll do that right away."

"Thank you." Jungkook ended the call with a sigh before turning around.

Taehyung stood there with wide eyes and parted lips, Jungkooks stomach dropped knowing at this point the only thing that mattered was Taehyungs safety.

"What's gooing on Kook?" Taehyung asked quietly walking towards the milky skinned shirtless boy. Jungkook took the tanned elders face into his hands, practically craddling his small face.

"Listen baby, you're going to need security with you at all times. Someone is watching us and knows about what we're doing. Right now all I'm worried about is your safety."

Jungkook wanted nothing more than to protect Taehyung from whoever was doing this. The elder never seen the younger so serious till now, he simply nodded his head knowing right now Jungkook was worried.


"So why are we going shopping?" Taehyung asked sliding up tight black skinny jeans that had rips on the knees, Jungkook would be lying if he said he wasn't watching the elder get dressed.

Taehyung looked at the younger who was focused on his ass, he released a sigh before walking towards where Jungkook was sitting on the bed. Standing between the youngers thighs he began to button up Jungkooks black dress shirt that was lomg forgotten once Taehyung started getting dressed.

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