Chapter 16

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Sebastian's POV

I watch her getting ready in her abnormal speed and watch as she leaves the room. Before I get the chance to say anything, I feel myself getting slammed against a wall.

I groan out in pain and chuckle while I slowly get back up. "So? What do you want, dog?" I spit out.

He let's out a laugh. "How dare you talk to me like that, don't you know who I am?"

I chuckle to myself again. "I am perfectly aware of who I am talking to."

"God, then you're just plain stupid." He lets out a breath. "Now tell me, human, what are you doing here?" He growls.

"I want to become the king of the banana islands, what do you think why I am here." I say sarcastically while pointing at my outfit. "I'm the butler of the queen and I am here to serve her, idiot."

"Why are you here." He repeats.

"Are you f*cking deaf? I am here to work as the queen's butler."

His hands turn into fists and within the bat of an eye he is standing in front of me and chokes me while I drop to my knees. "Why are you here, you piece of sh*t?! You're a human! How come she took you to her palace and didn't just kill you?!" He spits out aggressively.

All my panic of dying disappears and a smirk starts twitching up at the corner of my lips and I feel myself getting calm again

"I never thought about seeing you again either, brother."

He lets go of me. "So you do know it."

"Of course I know, I'm not stupid." I mutter.

I know that I just found out about who I am a while ago but he doesn't have to know. I'm going to kill him anyway.

"A lot has happened." I say. "And I will not forgive you this time. Neither will I allow you to take her away from me again." I growl while grabbing him by his collar.

He starts laughing. "I was never taking anyone away from you, now let go, I don't want wrinkles in my shirt." He pushes me away. "How do you know who I am anyway?"

"Oh please." I scoff out. "You know my abilities, John, I could see it right from the start. Your soul's still the same and your aura hasn't changed the slightest bit." I walk around him. "Quite interesting that you now call yourself Jack. That's just a synonym for John. Someone couldn't possibly be more obvious."

"So you figured that too, seems like someone did their homework." He tilts his head to his side. "But if you're a reincarnation, how come you still have your ability?"

I slowly walk over to the window and stare outside. "Oh, brother dearest, there is a lot you don't know and might never know. I mean I could ask you why you can remember your past life but I honestly don't really care. I find it amusing enough that you've became what has killed you in the first place." I turn around to him with a smirk. "It's quite fitting though, it shows what you truly are. A beast."

"Oh, come on, that's better than being human." He huffs in annoyance and I just stare at him.

He starts tapping the floor with his left foot and I stare at his foot.

"So?" I ask. "Why do you still remember?"

"Long story."

"I have time."

"Everything happens for a reason and there is something way bigger controlling everything. That's all you need to know."

"Good enough."

He tilts his head to the side. "You know."

"Know what." I ask with a challenging smirk.

Silence surrounds us for what feels like eternity until he breaks it again. "I did not ever steal anything or anyone from you."

I let out a laugh. "Do you truly believe that, little brother?" I ask, spitting out the last part.

"Yes, I do."

"Sarah." I say and he looks down, hopefully feeling guilty. "I did so much for you, brother and in the end all you did was kill my mate, made me go insane and killed me-"

"That was your own fault. Plus you killed my mate once too. We're even now-"

"We surely are not." I form my hands onto tight fists and try to control the anger rushing through my body.

"Is that why you want her? To get revenge? To hurt me more than I hurt you?"

I slam him against the wall, placing my hands on his shoulders, to press him even tighter against the wall. I look him deep into his eyes and for a small moment I could see surprise but then they turned back to their emptiness.

"I want her because she belongs to me and I belong to her. She's my mate, she is Sarah. Sarah, Martha, Amanda. They are all one person. My mate." I yell at him.

He tilts his head to the side. "Do I look like I give a sh*t?"

I feel an impact and pain rushing through my whole body. I cough out blood and stare down to the source with wide eyes. I look back at John who just smiles.

He pushes me away, causing me to fall down. I grab the handle of the knife sticking out of me and let go again. If I pull this thing out, I'm dead. Again.

My vision starts to get blurry and I look back at John.

He kneels down in front of me. He sticks a finger into my wound and then puts the finger in his mouth "Not bad." He says. "I don't know about you but I have this weird déjà vu feeling." He smiles at me. "But something's missing." He takes the handle of the knife and rips it out while I just stare at him in shock. "Better."

I place both of my hands on my wound and helplessly watch the blood oozing out of my body.

He gets up and walks over to the door. "Make sure not to get in my way ever again. Not in this life and not in your next one." He then leaves the room and as he does, the world seems to disappear and everything turns black.


So, the next chapter is finally ready, I hope that you like it^^

Feel free to tell me what you think.

And yeah, I had to finally tell you who they are since a few of you have already noticed or at least wondered XD

Also: what do you think about the new cover?

Love, hugs and kisses,

Yours Mel<3

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