Chapter 10

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I open my eyes after taking a deep breath and look at my people and the alpha's people that have gathered. The alpha himself is standing next to me and I feel him watching me, probably being curious about what I will do.

Once more I stare at the crowd that gathered below the staircase and say "People." I take another deep breath before I continue. "Undead and witches of my empire, today we have the great honour and pleasure of meeting the alpha king and his people. In hopes of a peacefully arrangement and friendship I decided to welcome all of them for as long as they wish to stay."

I watch the crowd whispering among themselves, clearly surprised by my decision. Even the wolves are surprised and I feel the alpha's gaze burning on me even more. I wait for them to quiet down a bit before I continue.

"Wolves and vampires have never been great friends but I believe it is our time to change that. Wolves, vampires and witches build the most common and most common known supernatural creatures. Also the creatures living in both of our empires are the most powerful of the supernatural. We are not searching for enemies but friends and having friends like them would be a great honor.

So I ask the wolves to accept my offer and stay for as long as you please and I ask my people to welcome them all with open arms. The wolves can decide now whether they stay in the palace or live with one of my people as their host. Treat each other like family, no, treat each other like mates.

Enjoy the fest." I smile at all of them and they all start cheering and clapping. Some of the wolves and vampires throw doubtful stares at me but I guess they have no other chance but to try to get along.

After they all cleared up, the alpha and I are walking around in the garden.

"Quite the speech you held." He chuckles. "But do you mean what you say or are those just empty words."

"Since you don't believe in my words, dearest alpha king, I don't bother answering and you just have to wait and see for yourself."

He chuckles again and it slightly irritates me.

The sun has already set and the beautiful moon is shining upon us while the gorgeous stars are twinkling like glitter. Staring at the moon I remember that it is actually a full moon. It makes me remember what John told me and I chuckle to myself.

"What is it?" The alpha asks.

"Oh, nothing. I just remembered something."

John told me that vampires don't burn under the sun because they offer death, his father, a human soul on every full moon. That turned out to be a hoax. Vampires never burn under the sun. Why should a living creature to that? That makes no sense.

I guess vampires told humans lies like that and lies like vampires can't see themselves in a mirror to be able to prove that they are not a vampire.

"Tell me about it." He bumps my shoulder lightly. "Come on, you never tell me anything." He grabs my shoulders, looks at me and pouts like a child. "Please, Amanda."

I roll my eyes and give in "Fine." I see his eyes lighting up and I wonder why he's so happy about that. He does a little victory dance and I start laughing. This guy is so weird... He kind of reminds me-

Stop it, he's dead, he's not your mate, live in the present and not the past.

After he calms down again, he stares at me with big, bright eyes, filled with curiosity.

I point at the moon and his gaze follows where I point at. "You see the full moon, right?" He nods at me. "Back when I was human, when I was around 19 and my mat- John was still alive, I asked him how he can walk like a normal person outside even if the sun is shining. He told me that he has to go to a hill on a full moon night and place a human on top. Without drinking the blood. To offer death, who was his father, a soul. The ability of not burning at daytime would transfer to the vampire and he would be able to live like a human for a month."

"That's a nice story." He says and smiles at me.

"Yeah, a nice story. Turned out that it really was nothing but a story." I sigh and continue to stare at the moon.

Suddenly I hear a loud bang and I flinch at the unexpected sound. I look up in the sky again and see beautiful colors, followed by more bands and fizzles and colors all over the sky. I totally forgot about the fireworks...

And mister alpha here next to me starts laughing at me. I glare at him and he holds up his hands in surrender.

We watch the fireworks and just stand next to each other without saying or doing anything.

After a while he suddenly says "I know I've said this a couple times already, but I'm sorry for your loss. I know what it feels like to lose someone important."

I look at him and smile "Thanks" I whisper. "I'm sorry for your loss too."

"Your highness!" Someone yells. "Your highness!" I turn around and see Sebastian running towards me.

"What is it?" I ask a bit worried.

As he arrives by my side, he is a bit out of breath and bends down a bit and rests his hands on his knees. "P-please-" he takes a deep breath "c-come fast!" He takes another deep breath. "Th- there's a- a fight-"


Not quite 1000 words but almost xD

New chapter's up \^-^/ tell me what you think :)

Aaaaaand today is THE day!!! I will get my pupppppyyyyy \^0^/

Consider yourself lucky that you don't live anywhere near me because I'd annoy you to death😂 but he's just so cute and in a few hours he'll be mine :3

PS: his name will be Jack (well my family will call him Percy but I like Jack better and because of a few other reasons, he'll be my Jack xD)

Love, kisses and hugs,

Yours weird unicorn/ dog owner,


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