Chapter 47

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"So you do know who I am?" He asks with surprise clearly written all over his face.

Know who he is? What? What did I miss? Is he someone she met in her previous lives? Or perhaps even this life? A lover?

"Of course I do, I knew right from the start. You kept telling both of us all the time and didn't miss a single chance to make it even more obvious. I do wonder though, why make it obvious to see who you are but not actually say who you are."

I just listen to them talking and still don't know who the hell this guy is, but I can't just ask since that would make me look like an idiot.

"Well technically you did. Just not in English. Am I wrong, Death?"

D-Death? I seem to lose control over my senses as the word keeps echoing trough my head. That's why I felt like I've met him before, how could I be so blind and not see it when my dad is right in front of me.

He smiles and looks over to me. "Nice to see you again, son." He looks down again, appearing to be somewhat sad. "You've changed, dad." I state, forcing out the last part. "Why are you here." 

"I didn't come for you, Ludwig. I came for John." He says and I can't help but feel hurt. After all these years of course I am not his priority, after all I am not... never mind. I force a smile on my lips and nod. "I see."

"He is right though." Amanda says. "Why are you here, Death? I knew that you would come, but why?" The chubby man sits down on a rock and waits for us to sit down too before he starts explaining himself. "So... I'm an old man and people do mistakes. Horrible mistakes because at a certain point it seems like the right thing to do, no matter how wrong it is"

"Well... What did you do?" I ask, hoping he'd just come to the point. He looks over to me and offers me a small smile. "I-it's complicated." He replies. Death looks at Amanda again "Did you figure out what the head is?" She shakes her head "I'm afraid not." He looks down for a moment "Well I do know what she is." We both look at him, curious to finally find out the truth about this creature.

"She's the last Sybil on earth."

A Sybil? I thought they all died already. How come she's still here?

"Are you sure?" I ask him "Maybe she's something else, it's impossible for her to be one. Or at least close to impossible. And if so, what exactly is her goal?"

"I've known her for quite a while now." He tells us. "I met her after I died, I'm not exactly sure when. What I do remember is that she was right in her circle or rebirth. Yes, you've heard right. Rebirth. As time went on I managed to dully discover all abilities of the Sibyl race. As many might know, they evolved to be somewhat immortal." Death glances over to his left and right where Amanda and I were sitting. "Which is somewhat true."

"Somewhat..." Amanda mumbles to herself. "Tell me about this circle. And all other abilities they have."

Death nods at her. "Every hundred years they have to be 'reborn' and fall into a deep slumber for ten days. During that time it is rather easy to change them. What I mean is that their souls partially leave their bodies which makes it easier for other spirits to take control over them. Which is why they usually use a spell to protect themselves. Also their bodies lose parts of their abilities which makes it easier to kill them. But all in all, they are immortal. They don't die unless something... Happens."

I let his words sink in and think about it before noticing something. "You said it's easy to put a different spirit inside. What happens to the original soul then? And could it be that you've done exactly that? Which means the head isn't the head but someone else. But who?"

"Both will be in one body and whoever is stronger will be in control. But the constant fight will also weaken the Sybil. Even if the Sybil wins."

I get up and step closer to Death. "Who did you put inside."

"Sybils used to be nothing but strong witches, but now look at what they evolved to." He says with a chuckle while nervously looking away.

Glancing over to Amanda I notice that she's just watching us. I guess she'll leave it to me.

"Death." I say in a more serious tone

"Did you know that Sybils can control multiple people at once? As far as I know... Her own creations died so those are no threat to you."

"She's been watching me all along, didn't she?" Amanda finally steps in. "All enemies I had were her. Fatima, the one who killed my friend,... But not only those. Maybe even the woman who told me to kill her in order to take my place as Queen. This head wanted to have full control over my every move. I don't know why... Yet... But at least I know when someone in front of me isn't real."

Death shifts uncomfortably on his rock. "Good, good..." He mumbles.

"But there's still one puppet left, am I wrong?" Amanda whispers as she places a hand on his shoulder.

"It's your sister." He says, looking me deep in the eyes. "I put your sister in a Sibyl."
And welcome back~
Good morning ^^ (it's 2pm but shh)
Hope you like the new chapter~
I'm not sure yet but I guess there won't be more than 60 chapters. I want to end at a number like 50 or 60 but three chapters wouldn't be enough to end this .-.
So yahhhh

Love, hugs and kisses

Yours Mel<3

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