Chapter 18

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"Let him in." I command blankly.

How is it possible? I've killed the last Blackville. The only Blackville or somehow related person of the Blackville's is me.

A man with a big, black hood and a long robe steps inside, followed by what seems to be a servant who drags something with him.

"Your highness, what an honour." He says sarcastically while bowing down in front of me. "Please accept my present for you, to show you my gratefulness."

He pulls at the cloth that covered what the servant dragged in here, revealing a person in chains. The person has multiple bruises and cuts and taking a closer look I notice that it is non other than Seb.

Memories start flashing through my mind.

The choking, it was him and I couldn't help him.

I turn around and start heading back to my room but a voice stops me.

"Your highness." The voice says. "I have to tell you something important."

I turn around and glare at the man. "I'm sorry but I'm busy now. We can talk later."

"This is really-"

I cut him off. "Not now. If you excuse me." I turn around and start walking back to the door of my room but as I am about to reach for the handle, someone pulls me back and puts a piece of cloth over my mouth.

I try to let out a scream but it came out so muffled, I bet no one heard me. I take in a breath and start to feel dizzy.

"If you excuse me." The voice whispers next to my ear.

I take in another breath and everything turns black.

"Oh, a present, that's so sweet of you. Now is that all or do you want to talk to me about something?"

He lifts his head and reveals his face to me.

I cough out and look at him again.

"How is that possible?" I ask him. "How can you wear the king's killer's face?"

In response he just keeps smirking at me.

"Tell me." I command.

He lets out a breath "God, you're no fun." He looks to the side before looking back to me. "I'm his twin."

I narrow my eyes at him. "No, you're not."

"Yes, I am."

"No, that's not even possible. He died half a century ago and as far as I know, wolves do age."

"They do."

"Then how can you be his twin? Besides, wasn't he an only child?" I wonder.

"Magic." He exclaims. "And no, he was not an only child. Obviously."

"So... What you're saying is..."

"I'm immortal."

"How's that?" I ask curiously.

"Magic." He repeats with a dramatic sigh.

I roll my eyes at him. "What kind of magic."

"That's another story for another time because now we're getting a bit off topic. What now? Do you want your little toy back or not?"

"If you want to give it back to me so bad, I'm not complaining."

He steps a few steps closer to me before saying "You will get him back, if-"

I cut him off. "Unprofessional much, aren't we? First of all, you should make me want what you have and threat to destroy it. Then you may ask if you can get something in exchange, god, do I have to do everything?" I let out a sigh before resting my head on my hand. Without looking back at him I ask "Now let me help you, what is it that you want?"

"A-a job." He stutters and I can literally feel the insecureness radiating off of him.

"Fine, you'll be my butler's ass wiper."


"Just kidding, honey." I tell him as I look over to him again. "Can you fight?"


"Then I will let someone make you a guard." I nod Mark over "Off you go."

I watch them leave the room "Noob." I mutter.

I look over to the cage and the servant standing next to it. I catch him glaring at me "What? Want to be in there instead?" He shakes his head and leaves.

I sigh before getting up. I make my way over to the cage and stare at Sebastian who was still inside. Not once has he moved and I guess that he is sleeping or something.

As I am standing right in front of the cage, I tilt my head to the side and just watch him for a bit. His body slightly moves up and down, indicating that he is breathing. I close my eyes for a bit and listen to the beat of his heart. I am just glad that he seems to still be pretty ok.

I stretch out my hand and place it on his in dirt and blood covered shoulder. I smile to myself but stop when he moves. He lifts his head and stares at me.

I guess he has been awake all the time.

"You're awake."

"Do you really don't care about me at all?"


New chapter, feel free to share your thoughts ^-^

Love, hugs and kisses,

Yours Mel<3

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