Chapter 7

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Emily P.O.V

“Niall?Whats wrong? Who was at the door?” I asked, worried

He took a deep breath in and began to explain “ That was the…..manager of these apartments. We don’t own this completely, he does and we have had many warnings about the music being to loud. He…..”He stopped, getting ready to announce what the boss person said “He said that we have to move out, we have had to manywarnings,we have to leave tonight.”

We all looked in horror at him but I was still confused,

“Well didn’t we have to leave anyway? Since you guys need to go to the next place for your tour?” I asked

I saw Liam shake his head “Since this is our first city, we decided to stay here for another 3 nights.”

“Well cant Simon or your management get you out of this?” Taylor asked, equally confused as me

Now it was Zayn’s turn to shake his head “ We have been in this situation before, our management managed to get us out of it but they said that they wouldn’t be able to do it again”

We decided we had to go and pack up our things as we didn’t want to get into more trouble for not moving.

I was worried, where were we gonna go? It was nearly 2 in the morning! As if he could read my mind,Niall came up to me and kissed me on the head

“Don’t worry, I will make sure there is a roof over your head tonight, promise” He said to me reassuringly. I trusted him so I started to pack up all my things into a bag.

Evie P.O.V

Soon after we heard that we had to go, we all came out with big bags in our hands, worried about where we were going to go. As the door opened, I never realised how cold it was! I shivered; my hoodie was at the dry cleaners after I spilt some juice down it. I didn’t trust the boys to wash it, it would end up being able to fit a Barbie doll and that’s about it!

 I shivered and before I knew it, I had Louis handing me his hoodie.

“I’m fine Lou” I smiled

“No you aren’t! Take it! I’m tough!” He grinned, I felt bad since he only had a t-shirt but I knew he would give up until I took it. As I put it on, it smelt of…..Louis. It was a bit big for me but that made me even warmer! I thanked him as we walked on, trying every hotel until we found one which had an empty room big enough for us all, is that too much to ask?!

Taylor P.O.V

We were about to give up when we saw a sign saying HO_EL, the T had dropped off and the H was wonky. But I didn’t care what thee sign was like I justhoped there was a room!

   Luckily there was! Actually we realised we  weren’t really lucky after seeing the room!

As we walked in, the first thing I thought was EW! It stank! Imagine the worst smell ever, times it by 1000000 and that’s the smell of this grotty hotel. I looked up at the walls where the wallpaper had faded and was peeling off revealing damp. I expected to see different rooms but instead I Just saw a sofa, a single bed and…..that’s it.

“Well….that will be cosy, all of us sleeping in that!”

“That’s one word for it……” Zayn mumbled

“Right, 2 people can share the bed,2 people can share the sofa and the rest will have to sleep on the floor” Liam explained





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