Chapter 11

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Taylor P.O.V

I sighed; it was the last day of L.A. The last couple of days had been releaxing, shopping then repeat!

"So what should we do for our last night then?" Niall asked

"I saw a nice restaurant down the street" Liam pointed out

"Let’s get ready then!" I exclaimed. Me and the girls rushed over to our rooms, slamming the doors before we started to get ready.

"So where is this restaurant Liam?" I whined,  down the street Liam?! Really?!We had been walking for ages!

"Just round this corner" He replied pointing. Sure enough, there was the restaurant. It looked nice. The fairy lights outside twinkled as the candles on the tables flickered in the slight breeze. We chose to sit outside, as we could watch the sun slowly set.

"This has been amazing guys, thank you so much" Emily said

"Its benefited us all, look at my tan!" Louis exclaimed pointing to his tanned arm. We laughed and eagerly grabbed the menus which had just been given to us.

Evie P.O.V

As I was eating the pasta I had ordered, a piece fell on my white dress, leaving a big red stain

"Sugar! Iv ruined my dress! I look stupid!” I complained                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

"Don’t worry babe, you still look beautiful, you would do in a bin bag" Louis smiled at me. I blushed and looked down at my feet, embarrassed. Nobody had ever said anything like that to me before. Note to self; ring Jake and tell him the deal is off, I was sick of using Louis.I loved him for real.

   Liam P.O.V

"Are we just going back to the hotel now then?" Taylor asked

"I was thinking of going on a walk before" I replied to her, I noticed the other boys were nodding in agreement.

   We went over to the moonlit beach, the soft, cold sand going in-between our toes.

"I’m going to miss this place" Emily sighed as we were looking at the moon and stars reflecting on the sea like a mirror. It was beautiful.

  "Don’t worry we will be back, promise" Niall said to her.

I agreed as we got up again to walk along the beach.

I entwined mine and Taylor’s fingers together, taking her away from everyone else.

"Where are we going?" She asked me confused. I just smiled and eventually stopped walking.

She looked at me still confused as I realized I had just dragged her away and we were just standing here.

 I took a deep breath

"From the moment I met you, everything changed.

I knew I had to get you whatever the pain

I had to take you and make you mine.

I would walk through the desert

I would walk down the aisle

I would swim all the oceans just to see you smile

Whatever it takes is fine" I sang to her

She was blushing like mad and I just smiled at her slowly leaning in to kiss her. She did too until our lips met. I felt a spark running up me and I’m sure went up her too, I had waited so long to kiss her. I smiled as we were kissing, it was perfect. A perfect end to an amazing holiday.

Evie P.O.V

When Liam took Taylor off, I was going to follow them to find out what they were doing when Louis grabbed my arm stopping me.

“I think they need some privacy at the minute”

I suddenly caught on “They- she-he-awwww!” I exclaimed. Louis laughed at me as we walked back to the hotel. The others had gone out to get a movie to watch tonight.

 I suddenly heard the door open, interrupting our kiss. I was expecting it to be the other when heard the voice, it wasn’t any of the others, it was………………Lola.

“eeh the press are all over me like a car on fire!” She exclaimed.

I continued kissing Louis, I couldn’t be bothered to correct her, or even look at her and I knew Louis felt the same way. Suddenly I was pulled off Louis by my hair. Lola had handfuls of it in her hands.

“How dare you kiss my Louis!” She exclaimed. I tried getting her hands of my hair as it was very painful but she pulled harder on it.

“GET OFF HER LOLA!” Louis shouted at her.

“Not until you leave this and come back to me!” She said raising her voice, treating me like a piece of dirt.

I whimpered in pain as she kept on tugging on my hair. I also suddenly felt a shooting pain in my cheek. She had just slapped me.

“That was for kissing him!” She continued

“LOLA! GET OFF HER RIGHT NOW!” Louis was getting angry and I saw him trying to get her off me.

“What’s going on in here?!” It was Harry. He must have came back before the others. “I’m calling security”

Lola was still hurting me but Louis had nearly got her off me. I felt her hand come off my hair. She had now moved onto Louis, hitting him.

Thank god the security came in time otherwise god knows what would of happened. The security grabbed her and practically dragged her away kicking and screaming sorry to Louis and telling him that she loved him.

“I just saw Lola being dragged away by security, what’s happened?!” Zayn exclaimed, everyone rushing in seeing me crying from the pain Lola had caused me.

“She came in here, she saw me and Evie kiss and well…..let’s just say she wasn’t very happy about it” Louis explained cuddling me. I snuggled deeper into his chest as my head and cheek was still very painful.

“Ssh its ok,ssh she’s gone now” I heard him whisper to me. Many more arms came round me, turning into a group hug.

I laughed as they all fell on the sofa on top of us.

“Well that’s wasn’t exactly the end of this holiday I was imagining!” Harry said.

“It still can be really good” I said as I got up to make hot chocolate with squirty cream, marshmellows and a flake sticking out of the top. I smiled at my ten masterpieces and took them through...

“To our last night of L.A” I toasted lifting my hot chocolate in the air. Everyone else did, clanking the cups together making some of it spill. Let’s just hope the hotel don’t mind the hot chocolate stain on the floor……..

A/N Sorry I havent updated in ages!! I could think of what to put! If anyone is confused because I said that they were on tour but now they  are going on holiday, that was a one off gig. Please comment and thanks for reading :) xxxxx

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