Chapter 3: Hiding

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Leo and Alma walked to breakfast the next day.  They had spent the night talking about their lives since they had last seen each other, at age 15, just before Leo went to the Wilderness School.

"Where will I sit?" Alma asked worriedly.  Leo looked over the crowd and spotted all his friends sitting a couple tables over.  He nodded to them, and Alma visibly relaxed.

As they sat down, Piper whacked Leo upside the head.

"Ow!" Leo yelped.  "What was that for?"

"Why did you never tell us that you had a twin sister?  We could've gone out to find her!"

"Well, than y'all would've ruined my fun if you had!  I've spent the past couple years at college, and now I've got my degree!" laughed Alma.  The rest stared at her in amazement.

"What?  I'm smart!  Both Leo and I passed highschool in sophomore year." The eyes turned to Leo, who shrugged.  The rest of breakfast continued normally, until Percy piped up.

"You have to come with us to train.  Now Leo has someone on his level!" Alma and Leo shared a glance.  They knew that it was a bad idea.  When they started to protest, Piper immediately shot them down.  They would show up for sword fighting at noon.

Timey timey tiiiiiiiiime skip to noon!

Leo and Alma faced each other.  Both held swords.  They were awaiting instruction from Percy, Jason, and Nico, the best swordsmen in camp.

"Alright, try to disarm each other.  No maiming.  Or try not to." Jason instructed.  Alma looked at Leo nervously.  All their friends had come to watch.  One misstep would reveal their secret.

"Begin!" called Nico.  Leo and Alma advanced on each other.  Without warning, Alma lunged.  They danced back and forth, try to avoid the other's blade and not look too impressive.  Suddenly, Alma's sword glanced against Leo's hilt, and a long cut appeared on his cheek.  They both froze.  The scent of blood pooled in Leo's nose.  He could see Alma's eyes yellowing as she fought the wolf inside.  Her lips pulled back in a snarl, and Leo felt the wolf howl within him.  Suddenly, Alma lunged with full force as they attacked each other without mercy.  Their skills were far superior to anyone at their level.  Heck, they were far superior to the skills of some of the best swordsmen at camp, maybe even Jason or Nico. 

Leo could hear them applauding the twins' skill.  They still thought they were trying to disarm each other.  They didn't realize this was a fight to the death.  Leo locked eyes with Alma and saw his yellow, wild gaze reflected in hers.  Leo felt his inner wolf rear its head, and he felt a surge of hate toward his sister.  It was like being possessed by eidolon.  Alma swung her sword up, and heaved it at his hand, nearly chopping it off.  His sword was slowing him down, he realized.  The only way he could win was if he was faster.  No! I can't hurt her!  She's my sister!  Leo thought to himself.  He felt his sword clatter out of his hand.  He heard his friends gasp.  He heard Alma drop her sword.  He saw her eyes narrow, and felt a snarl bubble up to his lips.  An inhuman howl echoed from Alma, and she lunged.

It was on now.  They clawed at each other's faces, trying to blind the other or sever a vein.  Alma ragged fingernails raked across his chest opening a massive wound.  Leo felt his own arms grab her leg and twist it with a horrible snapping sound, and they both went down. Almost as quickly, they were back on their feet, although Alma had a limp.  Leo saw arms encircle Alma's chest as she kicked him backward.  Alma whirled around and slashed her claws across their face.  He heard them cry out, and saw them fall back.  He felt someone grab him and hold him tightly, and the wolf mellowed out inside him.  As he stood, panting, Leo realized that the mysterious person's skin was cold, and the cold had calmed his beast.  He opened his eyes and saw Percy and Jason wrestling Alma.  She caught sight of Leo, and the yellow faded back to brown.  Suddenly, Leo's exhaustion, and the pain in his chest and face, swelled and he felt himself crumpling to the ground.  The cries and shaking faded to a dizzying black.

Someone read my story!!!  I know you're out there!  Please comment! Tell me wassup!  I need ideas and feedback!

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