Chapter 5: Conflict

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This is boring.  I've decided to move another step closer to my goal of Valdangelo.  Dramaaa!  Comment. Right. Now.  Or else.
Seven days!

Calypso POV (Better start doing these things.  Up till now was Leo POV)

I was irritated.  Angry, even.  Leo was in the infirmary and I had no one to go to.  It wasn't like I would be getting any real affection, though.  Leo had turned away all my attempts at seduction.  He was probably just waiting to break my heart.  Like everyone else.

I would just have to break his first. 

I couldn't just start up a fling out of the blue.  Everyone knew about me and Leo.  Almost everyone...

Leo wouldn't have told his sister.  He would let her figure it out.  She could keep a secret.  I smiled inwardly and left my bunk in Cabin 11. 

If you hate what's happened to Calypso, oh well!  No one told me not to...

Alma was in Bunker Nine, as suspected.  She was making a pocket watch.  I walked up behind her quietly.

"What, Calypso?" I stiffened.  How had she noticed me?  I shook it off and smiled sweetly.

"Oh, I just wanted to check in on you." Alma had returned to the watch.  "You're very beautiful, you know." She stopped working. "One might even say... breathtaking." I sighed.  She turned around, emotions well guarded, but her eyes still curious. 

I cackled inwardly.  I leaned forward and kissed her softly on her lips.  She didn't melt into it.  Shock, I suppose.  I pulled away, and saw her looking confused.

"I'll be in touch." I whispered.  I skipped back to my bunk, cheering silently at my new conquest.

Alma POV

I stood completely frozen.  I couldn't believe it. Calypso was worse than I'd imagined.  Leo deserved the world, not this cheating bitch.  This would break his heart.  Again.  I will murder that soulless she-demon of a heartbreaker.

As I walked, I made sure to step silently, and away from the Hermes cabin, where all guests stayed.  I walked quietly into the infirmary, making sure that Leo heard my feet.

"Alma?" He called.  His wicked smirk soon faded when he spotted my grim face.  I shifted foot to foot.

"Calypso kissed me!" I blurted.  Leo's eyes widened, and seemed to beg for me to be lying.  He closed his eyes and scowled.  My message delivered, I could now go to sleep curled around Festus.  The dragon was genius.

*Cackles evilly* HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!
DRAMA!!!  Oh, by the way, I'm gonna murder a character.  Y'all have one two days to tell me who, or I choose! *Rubs hands together like a psycho* It's YOUR CHOICE!

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