Chapter 7: Questions

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Calypso is gone!  Glory, hallelujah!  That's so much fun to say!  Hallelujah!  Hallelujah!  Hey, my mom is reading a book, and the two main characters that are in love are named Leo and Alma!  Also, I read this Japanese legend that lovers who commit dual suicide are reincarnated as twins!  Do you think it's a coincidence?  Anyway, on with the story!

Nico POV

I had seen a lot.  The wars had made sure of that.  But this was on a whole other level.

I saw Leo's eyes when Calypso told him her beliefs.  The sadness and acceptance, as if this had happened before, and he thought it was meant to be.

I also saw Alma's eyes when she shot the she-demon.  They were full of angry light, like she had seen this before and was done with the world's shit.  She wanted her brother's happiness, and she had seen him break so many times.  Once more was a sin to great to live for.

When she stormed off, Leo followed her, to hug her or scold her I wasn't sure.  All I knew was that Alma Valdez was not to be trifled with, and to the extent, neither was Leo.  She could aim that pistol, and we didn't know how to deal with guns.

Frank was the first to unfreeze.  He stepped forward uncertainly and said,"What do we do with her?"

"Let's burn her." Piper snarled vehemently.

One brief funeral later, we were left with nothing to do.  I bid Will good-bye, and trudged off to my cabin.  Collapsing on the bunk, I stared at the ceiling, thinking about the Valdez twins, and how they could try to kill each other, and two days later kill for each other.  Relationship are complicated.


I ran after Alma.  She needed a cool down, or she might shift, and I didn't need more on my plate.

I found her in Bunker Nine, clutching her skull.  I sat next to her and breathed evenly until she did the same.

"What are we gonna do?" she whispered hoarsely.  I shook my head mutely.  Life was too complicated these days.

"I need to shift." Alma muttered.  I stared at her in disbelief.

"Leo, there's a whole forest full of monsters where no one goes in unarmed!  We could roam around at night, no one will have to know!" she exclaimed, getting excited.

"But...they might find us.  She might find us." I hissed.

"That's what friends are for!" The idea slowly sank in.  A chance to be free.  A chance to release the wildness inside.  It was perfect.

I turned to my twin, grinning. "Let's do it!"

She began to melt, and I felt myself do the same.  Pain smothered all my senses, cloaking my in a warm coat...of fur.  Claws pushed their way through my skin.  My bones shattered and reformed.  Finally, I stood on all fours, a wolf for the first time in years.

Took you long enough, came the amused thoughts of a rich brown wolf will deep eyes, standing next to me.  I nipped her good-naturedly, and we sprinted into the forest.

Day after day, we shifted.  It became more natural as time went on, though still equally painful.  We hid from activities, in fear that the wolfish-ness we let out would show in our enhanced senses.  Our superior strength.  Our remarkable healing.

People began to ask us questions, ones we could not answer, like:

Do you ever sleep? Yes, during the day, when we're hiding from you.

Why won't you climb the wall, or spar?  We might hurt someone, or reveal who we are.

How did you know I was there/coming? I could smell you, and your footsteps are painfully loud.

Ya see?  People would catch on that they took a shower yesterday, for crying out loud.

So we shrugged.  Again, and again, and again.

Piper POV

"Guys what's going on with the twins?" They all knew who I was talking about.  Our favorite mechanics had withdrawn from the world since the murder incident.

"I dunno.  Maybe they're ashamed."

"I don't think so, Frank.  They're not likely to regret that display.  I know that they're doing stuff at night, though.  I walked in to them sleeping yesterday at around noon, probably later.

"That's funny, Jason.  I could have sworn that Alma wrinkled her nose when Drew walked by, but Drew was maybe 20 feet away!  Maybe they have enhanced senses..."

"Really, Annabeth?  That seems far-fetched to me."

"No, Percy, she could be right.  I mean, Leo knew we were waiting to see him in the infirmary, except for me.  We don't hang out often, and I wasn't talking enough for him to recognize my voice."

"Nico's right.  Remember that sword fight?  They might not want to hurt anyone!"

"You're right, Haze.  They don't climb the wall, either.  Maybe they have enhanced strength and agility."

"Valid point, Piper.  Also, remember, Leo checked out of the infirmary without any nectar or ambrosia.  They might have healing abilities!"

"You're right, Will!  I bet these things all add up to something!  I wonder why they're hiding it..."

"They're probably hiding because they're worried people will tease them, Percy"

The whole group fell silent at Hazel's comment.

Alma POV

It was amazing.  To be free.  To feel the wind in my fur.  To feel the strength of all my great ancestors.  To feel the blood of Esperanza Valdez, born the werewolf child of Maria Valdez, transformed before bearing her second child, flowing through me, strengthening me.

The others suspected.  Hazel cornered us about our abilities.  We told her that we didn't want anyone to get hurt.  That was the truth.

I knew that they would find us.  But we had friends and they could protect us now.  We could fight them if they came.

But neither of us expected their method of attack.

Cliffhanger!  HAHAHAHAHAHA!  Who is it? What have they done?  I'll tell you next time!  HAHAHAHAHAHA!

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