Chapter 18

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While at work, I try to keep my mind off Norman. I wanted him, badly, but maybe we're just not meant to be. Maybe I'm meant to be the lady who grows old and lonely with a whole bunch of cats. What if I let myself turn to food again? What if I stay with Norman and I can't handle all the cameras and paparazzi? What if Norman leaves me when he realize how much better he can do? Ugh.
I needed him off my mind.
   After mopping the whole store. I clock out and decided to wait for Daisy outside. I needed the fresh air and some time alone. I texted Daisy I was out and she reply stating she was on her way. I really need to reward her for being my ride to work and home. I should take her out, maybe tomorrow since I don't work. I hear my phone go off.


  It was a message from Norman.
Normally I would be happy. I mean I should be happy, he was finally my boyfriend. It's just something felt off. It seems too good to be true.

"Hey, sweetie :)"-N

I grin. Oh heck. I love texting and talking to Norman. Just texting him made me forget about all the drama.

"What's up?" -J

"I was just thinking.....thinking about you. Can we talk?"- N

I thought about. I guess we could talk. I would love to hear his voice.

"Yeah, sure" -J

Soon my phone was ringing. I answer it almost right away.

"Hey, what's wrong?", I ask.

"Nothing, I just wanted to hear your beautiful sweet voice.", he said.

" was your day?", I ask him.

" was boring. I literally spent the whole day on set. I have an interview next week on a talk show. With what's her face, Kat that one famous girl with red hair.", he said.

"Really? That's cool. Are you nervous?", I ask.

"Not really. I'm use to being on talk shows. Oh and the show is going to be live. Channel three, so you better watch me.", he tease.

"Hahaha, don't worry I will.", I told him.

We both paused.

"I was kinda hoping that you will be here by then.", Norman said breaking the silent.

I had totally forgot. I can't believe I let it slip out of my mind. I see Daisy's car pulling up in front of me. I get in.

"Thanks Daisy.", I said while getting in the car.

She nodded.

"Huh?", Norman said.

"Oh sorry not you my friend just came to pick me up.", I explain to him.

"Oh your car still isn't fix.", he said.

"Actually I don't know. I know the guy who's fixing my car, he's my friend.", I told Norman.

"Cool, how much did he charge?", Norman ask.

"Uhhhhh. He at first didn't want to charge me. I made take the money.", I said.

"It's best that you do pay him because If it isn't money that he from you it's something else." Norman said, "and your mine."

Hearing him claim me felt weird. It made me feel like property.
I didn't say anything but laugh.

"I really miss you. Tell me you'll wait for me.", I said.

"Jane, I'll wait. I'm going lose my shit when I finally get to see you again.", Norman said.

I open my mouth speak again, when Norman started talking again.

"All the things I want to do to you. All the pleasure I can bring to you. Oh Jane, Can you just picture it? Or do you need me to paint you a picture?", he said.

His tone in his voice change, making himself sound more seductive and sexual. His tone sent chills down my back.

"Norman stop! I'm here with my friend.", I told him.

"Oh my bad. Did she heard? I'm sorry. Call me when your alone?", he said.

"Hahahaha, okay yeah. Bye for now." I said.

"Bye, beautiful.", he said before hanging up.

I place my phone in my pocket. Daisy was still driving. I could see we're almost home. When she finally pull in, we both ran out of her car and ran upstairs. We bump into Romeo and Trey.

"Hey ladies!", Trey said.

"Oh hey", I said back as Daisy just waved at him.
   I sat on the couch. Daisy and Romeo left. I guess they had plans. Trey just stood there.

"Come, sit." I said, "So did you fix my car or what is wrong with her?"

He came and sat next to me on the couch.

"Well first of all she was low on gas.", he said.

I laugh out loud.

"And.....and she needed an oil change and a pipe clean but I fix her. Don't worry." Trey continue.

"Really!? Well thank you.", I told him.

"Jane, you should had told me. I want you to know that I'm always gonna be here for you.", he said.

"Thanks Trey, your a really good friend.", I said.

He huff.

"Yeah......a really good friend." Trey repeated not sounding as happy.

He moved to take out his wallet.

"Are you hungry? My treat.", he said pulling out the cash I had given him.

I nodded before laughing.

We got up and left.

When we got to my car. Trey handed me back the keys. We got in. I put the key in the engine. My car started smoothly.

"You hear that she's purring." I said with a huge smile on my face.

"Yeah....ha....she sounds better.", he said smiling back.

"Where to?", I ask him.

"I don't know, you pick, I'll pay." He said.

"Pizza?", I suggested.

"Sounds like a plan.", he stated.

It was late but we found a place open. We walk in, it was a small little pizza place. Look old but cute. You could say vintage. A lady who was wearing the biggest smile I've ever seen came over to us.

"Table for two?" She asked.

Trey and I both nodded.

"Okay, follow me please.", she said still smiling.

       We both followed her to a nice little booth. I look around to see a small family enjoying their meal and older fellow eating alone. The waiter handed us two menus.

"I'll be right back to take your orders.", she said then walk away.

"I'm so hungry, I don't remember eating anything all day.", I confess.

"Well, let's order two large pizzas." , he said.

I open the menu, I stay focus on the pizza toppings instead of the prices.

"I like regular cheese pizza." Trey said, "what about you?".

"The spinach sounds delicious.", I reply.

The waiter came back and took our order.

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