Chapter 40

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    I was practically hugging Norman from behind as we drove on his bike.
  When we finally arrive at Norman's house, we sat outside on the grass. We didn't talk, we just stare at each other.

"Sorry, I didn't know your parents were like that.", Norman said.

He should had seen how bad my parents and the kids were back then.
I pick a piece of grass and play with it with my hands.

"I forgot they were. I remember hating school more. I guess I never went back because I hated my home as well.", I said.

"Why? Why did you put up with everyone's shit?", Norman ask.

I shrug my shoulders.

"Because for the longest time. I thought I deserve it. I believed the things they would say were true. I mean they called me ugly and every time I look in the mirror that's what I saw. I hate myself more then they did.", I tell Norman, I was holding back tears.

Norman shook his head and sat closer to me. Placing his hand on my thigh.

"Fuck those assholes. Fuck them for not seeing how beautiful and awesome you are. Fuck them. You got me now and with me you won't need any of them.", Norman said.

I let out a chuckle.

"Look at me. Nothing has change. I will always be that ugly, fat girl.", I tell Norman.

"Jane, look at me.", he said.

I turn to face him.

"No one is ugly. Your not ugly. You never were. Look at yourself. You fucking beautiful. Fuck all those shit heads. Plus who cares if you ate a lot of hotdogs as a child.", Norman said.

I laugh.

I wanted to believe him.

That's probably why I don't eat hotdogs anymore.

"I care about you.", said Norman.

"I care about you, too.", I reply.

For a second I thought he was gonna say he love me. Maybe he doesn't. Maybe I am just a temporary girlfriend.

He smile at me.

I just wanted to get my mind off things. I wanted to forget those stupid memories. I needed a distraction.

"Round two?", I ask.

He turn to look at me and rose a eyebrow.

"Fuck yeah!", Norman said laughing and smiling.

We got up and walk inside.

I was going into his room, when he stop me.

"We don't have to go into my room. You know. Mingus isn't here.", Norman said.

I smile at him.

"Then where?", I ask.

"On the sofa.", Norman suggested.

I nodded.

Norman walk over to the sofa and undid his jeans. His boxers went down with his jeans. He slowly remove his shirt. I felt my cheeks heating up. I watch him undress. He sat down, naked. I walk over to him and he reach out his hands and unbutton my jeans. I slid off them.

"Jane, sit on me.", he beg.

I shut him up by placing my lips on his. I slid my tongue in his mouth.
Moans escape our mouths. I wanted him to taste my tongue.
I sat on his lap and grind myself against him.
I felt him stretching me as I slid myself onto his erection.

He moan.

"You feel so fucking good.", He whisper.

"Touch me.", I said.

I started moving faster as he places his lips on my neck. He had one hand on my back and the other over my breast, squeezing.
I slow my pace and Norman move his lips to mines.
His tongue lick my lips.

"I'm cumming.", Norman said.

I quickly get off and watch him finish himself. I sat there out of breath as his big rough hands yank on his hard area. Seconds later, white stuff squirted out landing on his stomach.
I've never seen that before. It was cool but kinda weird. I handed him a napkin. He clean himself up.

"Thanks",He said.

I smile at him.

"That was so sexy.", I said.

He grin at me.

"Maybe another time we'll watch each other jerk off.", Norman said.

I laugh.

"Wanna eat?", He said.

"Duh.", I reply.

"Let's order tacos.", Norman said.

"Sounds good.", I reply.

Norman put on his boxers and nothing else. He took out his phone and walk towards the kitchen. I put on my clothes and grab the remote to turn on the TV. I was flipping through channels when Norman came in and kiss me on the cheek.

"You know. This did feel like a vacation.", Norman said.

I smiled.

"Yeah. It did.", I said.

"Did you really had fun?", He ask.

"Yeah.", I said.

"What was your favorite part about visiting me?", Norman ask.

"Being with you.", I tell him.

"Awe. That was so sweet.", Said Norman.

He place a hand over his chest.
I smiled at him. He was so cute. So adorable. He is funny. Smart. Cool.
So sexy.
He was the whole package.

"Have you thought about staying?", Norman said.

"I have. I need more time. Your not gonna be here next week anyways. I'll just go back to my place and think about it.", I confess.

    I haven't given it much thought. I mean I really like Norman. But, he's not looking for someone to settle down with. Right? I'm sure once I'm no good he'll toss me out and go to the next girl. Maybe Norman was just using me. It hurts just thinking about it. I didn't want to be use. But I felt alive being with Norman. I felt happy and cheerful. He made me forgot about all the crappy shit in life. All he had do was smile or send a simple text, that's all he had to do and I was head over heels for him. I'm not sure what I felt. I didn't know if it was love or not. I didn't know if this feeling I had was even mutual. I didn't care. I'll just live in the now moment. Even he does leave me one day I'll still always cherish theses memories. He was My first everything. He was different. He was Norman. I was falling for him. I was falling for Norman Reedus. I was in love and I didn't care if he didn't love me back.

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