Chapter 44

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The next day I went to work. When I got there Trey had stop me.

"Hey, Jane where did you disappear to?", he ask.

"I left on a vacation.", I told him.

My boss came in and march over to us. She seem kinda mad.

"Jane, your fired!", she said.

"Wait, what? Why?", I ask.

Trey look at me then back at my boss then slowly walk away.

"Because you said you wanted time off for a personal reason. Not to leave and get drunk at some party out of state.", she said in a low voice.

"Are you kidding me?", I said.

"No. Jane go home. Don't come back.", she and walk away.

I was so mad.

"Well, Fuck this place.", I yelled.

   I was mad. The least she could do was call me. I wasted gas just coming over here. She turn to face me. I threw a couple of clothes on the floor and left. I went to my car and tears were coming down my face.


What am I gonna do?

How am I gonna pay the rent this month?

I should've never came back. I should've stay with Norman. I should had left with him. Now I got no job and friend who might or might not like me. I relax for a bit and drove back to the apartment. I was thinking about leaving maybe I should just go home and talk to Daisy. I need her now. I didn't even notice that I was speeding till I saw the red and blue lights flashing behind me.

Oh shit!

Fuck, I had never been pull over before. Shit! How fast was I even going? Can today get any worse? I pull over to the side of the road and the cop car followed behind. My heart was racing.

Am I gonna go to jail?

I've never been to jail. I can't afford a damn ticket. The police officer got off his car and walk over to my window.

"Hello, ma'am. Do you know why I pull you over?", He ask.

My hands were sweating and my legs were shaking. I was so nervous and for no reason.

"Because the world hates me.", I reply.

The officer chuckle at my response.

"No, you were speeding, miss. Imma need your license and insurance. You were going 50 on a 40. Why were you going so fast?", He said.

Seriously!? People here drive twice the speed limit and he's gonna pull me over!? What the hell?

"Look, officer I am sorry. I just got fired and really wanted to go home. My day is already bad enough.", I tell him giving him my license and insurance papers.

He look at me one last time and walk back to his car. Shit, he's gonna give me a ticket. Sure enough he comes back. Fuck!

"Look, miss. I'll let you go without a ticket because of you losing your job. I understand how shitty that is. Drive safely.", He says and hands me back my things.

"Thanks! Thank you so much. Don't worry I will. Bye officer.", I said smiling.

He smile and nodded at me and walk away.

Maybe things weren't so bad after all.
I drove back home safely.

I open the door to my apartment and found Daisy making out with some guy on the couch. I pretend not to see and not care and walk pass them. And went to my room.
How could she? Going back to her old habits.

I texted Norman.

"I just got fired from my job. And my roommate try kissing me and I can't take it here anymore. Plus I almost got a fucking ticket." -J

A few minutes later Norman texted back.

"Fly back to my place. Stay there till I come back. Get in through a window." -N

I started packing my stuff in bags. Everything I ever own was in a few bags. I never had a lot of stuff. I was putting everything in my car. When Daisy came running out.

"Jane, where are you going?", she ask.

I hated leaving her behind. But I needed to leave. She almost trick me. She almost had me falling for her.

"Jane, talk to me.", she begged.

"I'm leaving. I'm going to Norman's. I love you as a sister and I always will. You are always welcome to visit me.", I tell her.

She hug me one last time then I pull away from her. I went in my car and drove. I was driving to Norman's house and I was gonna stay there till he came back. I was going to stay with Norman and go back to school and get a real job. I was leaving again. Even through Norman hasn't said he loves me I know he does. At least he admits that he cares about me. At least he notice me. I was leaving another town and I wasn't planning on coming back.

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