Chapter 2: Crash

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The next morning I woke up feeling light headed. I still couldn't believe that freaking Shawn Mendes asked sociak media to find me.
What the hell will I do?
My phone zoomed and I got a message from my friend Hailey: 

Hey girl,
did you see Shawn's Instagram?! He is looking for you!

My thoughts went crazy. Of course I wanted to meet him but half the world's female populatation will hate me and I don't know if I want my life to change that drastically.
I replied to Hailey : 

I know! Help me, what am I going to do!?

I dropped my phone in the couch and left it there. I threw my own body over the couch and hung upside down. 
I need some fresh air, I thought.
The first clothes that I could find were the one I threw on. The center of the town wasn't that far so I just walk over there.
I didn't know what I was about to do. Of course I wanted to meet me but there was a thing inside me telling it's all a joke. Maybe he got hacked.
Maybe I just need to stop thinking about it for a moment.
I was walking while being lost in my own thoughts.  A girl that was a little smaller than me walked up to me.
'You're Amelia Blake isn't it?' She was staring at me with her big bright eyes.
I shook my head in confusion.
'How do you know me?' I asked abruptly.
She just ignored my question and threw another one at me: 'Are you Shawn Mendes' girlfriend?'
My mouth fell open and I gazed at her. I search the courage and said: 'Absolutely not. Why do you think that?' 
The girl took out her phone and searched something.
'Check his Instagram!' she said. She handed me her phone And I saw my picture. He had posted the picture from the Meet and Greet. Is it even legal to post without permission, I thought. But I pushed away the thought because it was freaking Shawn Mendes who was looking for me. The caption under the picture went like this:

Maybe I could get in trouble because of posting a picture without permission but this is the only way you guys can help me find her. Love you all!

  xx Bye

Suddenly I saw a group paparazzi coming my way. It made me realise how fast the news travels around.
I searched a place and hid behind a wall.
'Mom! Can you come pick me up, please. I'm in the city.'
I heard her getting in the car and she hung up.
She said she was standing at the end of the street so I walked as fast as I could to reach her.
I walk to the sideways and waited for her to drive my way.
I lost balance and stumbled over my own feet. My head touched the ground as my body hitted the ground.
A loud bang followed. I knew it was, I could feel it but my body couldn't move. I felt paralized.
After a woman scream it fell completly silent.
Strong arms around wrapped around me and easlily lifted me up.
It was the last thing I remember.
Later I woke up and  saw Shawn standing next to the bed where I was laying.
His smile was sweet but the sweet shimmer was gone. There was something sad behind his way too perfect smile.
'Mom?' I wispered.
His smile vanished instantly.

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