Am i save?

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Someone was holding me. I could feel it. 

I try to open my eyes but i couldn't. I couldn't even move. The only thing i can is: hear.

I tried to hear who it was but i couldn't. I only knew that i know this person.

"I think she's poisoned!" i heard him screaming.

"She needs to go to the hospital!" i heard a girl's voice.

"What about Daniel?" the boy's voice again.

"I think her health is more important right now than finding Daniel!" i heard someone running.

Than i felt a cold hand on my forehead.

"She's cold."

They lay me down in a think a car.

That was the last thing i felt. After that i was totally off the world.

Hours or maybe even days or weeks i don't know, but i woke up. I was alone in a white room.

I thought about Shawn. The memories from the last last day i was awake came back. I start crying. Trying to get out of this bed. I realized that i was tied up on the bed.

The door of my room flew open.

Lenn came in. 

He ran to my bed a pressed on a button. A few minutes later, there were nurses all in the room.

They try to calm me but i hit and punched everything and everyone in front of me. They took Lenn out of the room.

They pushed me in the bed. Eight nurses. They needed eight nurses to calm me! What the hell is wrong with me?!

I couldn't stop crying. Shawn was on my mind the whole time.

I felt back asleep. They cave me some weird drink.

I woke up a few hours later. 

I girl that i never saw before sat next to my bed. She had brown wavy hair, beautiful green eyes and freckles. She's beautiful.

"Hey." she smiled sweet to me.

I looked confused. I think she saw it.

"Sorry i didn't tell you who i am. I'm Jade. A...friend of Lenn." She wasn't sure about the last she said. I think she would be a beautiful couple with Lenn.

She walked out of the room without saying anything.

Lenn came in. 

"Are you okay?"

 I turned my face away. Was he part of the plan with Dan? I don't know who to trust anymore.

"Where's Shawn?" i asked without looking at him.

"He..uhm.. He is in another room." he softly said.

"He's dead, isn't it."i looked straight to him.

He didn't say anything. He was looking to the ground.

Someone came into the room.

"Time to go." a nurse said to Lenn and he nodded. Without saying goodbye he left the room.

"This evening you will see your boyfriend again." the nurse said sweet to me.

"He isn't my boyfriend." i sneered to her. 

"Oh, uhm, okay, but straight to the point. You can leave the hospital in a few hours." 

She took all the wires off me.

The last few hours went by and i could leave the hospital.

I walked outside. Fresh air. 

I don't know where to go. My house is too far and Shawn isn't here to guide me.

I crossed the street. 


I stopped in the middle of the street. Cars were honking to me but i didn't care.

This voice. The most beautiful voice in the whole world.

I turned around.


Who's on the other side of the street?

Will someone find Dan?

Find out in the next chapter of "One message

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