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Three long days had passed since Jimin was discharged from the hospital. And three long days had passed since his argument with Nari.

No matter how hard he tried to distract himself; he always went back to thinking about her angry words. What made things worse was that deep down, he knew she was right. He knew everyone; Nari, Hoseok and Dr Kim, was right except for him.

That was why being in that elevator with Hoseok, Jun and Nari only made things more painful for him. Hoseok clicked his tongue and awkwardly looked around, sensing the hostility between the pair.

"This elevator ride feels especially long today," said Hoseok, impatiently tapping the handles of Jun's buggy. He let out a humourless chuckle after getting no response.

"If only she hadn't gotten on, maybe this would have been a little more enjoyable," mumbled Jimin.

Nari huffed, tightening her grip on the strap of her shoulder bag to calm herself down. "I was the first one to get on actually."

"Oh, I'm sorry princess," he mocked, rolling his eyes.

"Jimin, don't start," Hoseok whispered. Jimin opened his mouth to reply but his friend shook his head. He looked away, glaring at the elevator door with his arms tightly crossed across his chest.

When the ride stopped on their floor, Nari and Jimin both lunged forwards and waited for the doors to open.

"Finally- "

As Jimin began to step out, his words were cut short when Nari pushed past him. He stumbled to the side of the elevator, almost tripping over the buggy. Hoseok sighed at their childish behaviour as he slowly followed after them.

Jimin quickened his pace as he walked through the hallway and knocked his shoulder into Nari's as he walked past her. He felt satisfied with his revenge when she dropped her purse

"Why are they so childish?" Hoseok asked Jun, who was too busy sleeping to witness their petty argument.

"Asshole." Nari punched her door's pin code.

"Same goes for you." Jimin unlocked his door and before going inside, they glared at each other one last time. Simultaneously, they entered their own homes and slammed the door shut.

The whole process happened way too quickly that Jimin realised shortly after that he had left Hoseok and Jun outside.

"Sorry." Jimin let out a nervous chuckle when he opened the door.

Hoseok pushed the buggy into the house. "Well done for waking Jun up with your immature behaviour."

"She was being immature as well," Jimin muttered, slouching on the sofa.

"I don't want to hear it," warned Hoseok. He had enough of him always complaining about Nari. At some point, he was so close to putting a sock inside his friends mouth to make him shut up.

"You made a good choice breaking up with her rotten personality."

Hoseok slapped the back of Jimin's head.

"That wasn't the reason why we broke up, you know that. And you need to stop being a five-year-old and start doing what is best for yourself." Hoseok sat down, cradling Jun in his arms.

"I've booked an appointment with Dr Kim for tomorrow," Jimin muttered.

"You what?" Hoseok's eyes widened. "Why'd you only tell me now?"

"Because you would rub it in my face, that you and Nari were right."

"I'm really starting to wonder why your mentality didn't mature when you hit puberty." Hoseok chuckled.

The next day, Jimin sat in the same place, only this time the person who occupied him in the room was Dr Kim Seokjin. The session didn't run as smoothly as Dr Kim had hoped due to Jimin's reluctance to say anything for the first half an hour. Eventually, they managed to have a proper conversation, although they talked mostly about baby Jun. It was an understatement for Dr Kim to say he was surprised to see him talk so fondly of a little infant.

Dr Kim had always known him to be a very smiley and playful person. But now his expression was warmer and even the way he spoke became softer. If he was to share his discoveries with Jimin's family, they would not believe him at all.

However, the moment he brought up Nari, the atmosphere began to drastically change.

"Have you thanked your neighbour for looking after you?"

Jimin scoffed, quickly averting his eye to somewhere else. He didn't want to meet Dr Kim's sly expression.

"Why would I need to do that? I've basically already forgotten about it."

"That doesn't sound very convincing to me." Dr Kim scratched the stubble on his chin.

Jimin would never tell anyone just how much Nari occupied his mind. Especially before he slept. He couldn't stop thinking about how giddy it had made him feel seeing her worried expression when he was ill. Every time he shivered underneath the covers, he wanted to feel the warmness of her fingers-

No, Park Jimin! Hold it right there. Can you see how pathetic you are being? You're acting like a lovesick teenage boy! Except I'm not lovesick...I can't be.

"Hello, Earth to Park Jimin." Dr Kim clicked his fingers in front of his face. "I think you know yourself how you are feeling so I don't think I need to make any more jokes or comments."

"I have no idea what you mean, Dr Kim."

"Keep telling yourself that, boy."

Mid-way through their conversation, Jimin finally received a phone call from the clinic about the completion of the DNA testing. They had invited him to their office to discuss the results. He had been waiting for this day for too long but still he wasn't ready to hear the results. The future of his own and Jun's laid in that clinc.

He abruptly ended his session with Dr Kim. With his heart thumping against his ribcage, he hastily left with Jun.

He looked at Nari's door, contemplating whether to tell her. Letting out a loud sigh, he pushed Jun's buggy' almost hitting two men in black suits. Without turning around, Jimin shouted out a quick apology before running into the elevator.

"Are you okay, dad?" asked the tall man.

Despite Jimin having long gone, the older man continued to stare at the elevator doors.

"Wasn't that Park Jimin?" he wondered.

"You mean, the son of the Kingdom Enterprise? It can't be, the last time I saw him he had bright orange hair and wasn't pushing around a buggy."

"It must be my old age then." The old man shrugged his shoulders. "Which door is Nari's?"

"I think it's this one," said the younger guy, pointing to her door.

He knocked on it and they could hear muffled sounds of footsteps thundering towards them. There was a pause before the footsteps thundered away from them. Then a few seconds later she came back to the door and finally unlocked it.

She poked her head out, eyes rapidly blinking at the two men that stood tall before her.

"Why are you two here?"

Baby Daddy | p.jimin [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now