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"A-Adr-ian..." I said. "How much have you heard?"

"All night..." He said. "I came downstairs to get a bottle of water, and I had to dodge being seen as you and Phil were making out on the sofa, and went to your bedroom.."


"You never told me..." Adrian sighed.

"Adrian..." I said over and over.

"First Dad... and Mum... now I catch you having sex with a man... Your client!" He started tearing up. "Dan, you're the only person keeping this house together.. You're going to get yourself fired.."

"Um, excuse me.. if I may.." Phil started to speak.

"No.." Adrian said. "You've done enough.."

"Adrian, stop.." I said.

"If you're going to be the immature one, someone has to be the man of the house.." He said. "Phil... Get out."


"He is leaving..." My brother looked me in the eyes. "Get your shit together and get away from my brother.."


"Why did you do that?" I teared up.

"I'm your little brother, Danny..." Adrian said. "I love you, and I need to make sure that when you are losing yourself... that I can help you.. You always helped me.."

"I'm not losing anything... except for the only man I've ever cared about..." I cried. "If you really cared about me, you'd see that I was happy with him.. I was happy, and I knew who I was."

"So... you're gay?"

"I am..." I said. "I thought you had found out long ago.."

"No.." He said. "I'm sorry.. I'm a horrible brother.."

"No, you're not.. I'm so sorry you had to see me like that.." I rubbed my eyes. "No twelve year old boy needs to see his older brother kissing a man... Or going into his bedroom with him... Or.. what just happened in here.."

"You're fine.." He said. "I'm glad you found love... but I don't know if falling for your client is a good idea... isn't he being questioned for murder?"

"Yeah.. But he didn't do it.." I said. "I believe him."


Four Days Left

"Again..." I said. "I'm really sorry about what happened yesterday morning.."

"It's fine.." Phil smiled. "So... where are we at with my defense?"

"We should win..." I said, looking at the files. "But... Liguori is on their side... He went to the same university as me.. He's good.."

"Hey.." Phil took my hands. "I have faith that we can win.."

"I won my past cases.... but this is much bigger..." I sighed. "I'm going to need to put in a lot more work.."

"What's our next step?"

"I need to figure out what the witnesses aren't telling me..." I said. "That means I need to go through the evidence from the crime scenes.."

"Such as.... phones, clothes, possible weapons.."

"Right.. You're going to have to let me do that on my own, though... Okay?" I smiled. "We have to keep... this... a secret.. At least until the case is closed.."

"But Daaaaan...."

"Phil, I can't lose this job.." I said. "I've let Adrian down far too many times."

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