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"Liguori.." I stood at his door.

"Hey.. Dan.." PJ said, but then his expression faded when he saw I wasn't smiling back. "What?"

"You knew... how?"

"I... I don't know.. I guessed?"

"I think you're lying to me..." I sat across from him. "I think... one of your witnesses is the murderer... you know that... so you're one bailing them out of trouble.."

"That's ridiculous.." He rolled his eyes.

"Is it?" I smiled. "Phil and I are engaged... and you're going to be going away for harbouring a fugitive, and planting evidence..."

"She planted it.. I did nothing..."

"She?" I asked. "Who?"

"I can't say, Howell.." He looked me in the eyes.

"Liguori... You remember back in uni when our professors would be angry with you... so I'd take the blame?" I asked. "Double homicide? You don't want to take that blame...."

"I'm not telling.." He said.

"Hey.. I'm going to need some help.." I called Martyn. "A lawyer here is refusing to give needed information for your brother's case..."

"On my way, Dan.." He said, then hung up.

"Hear that?" I smiled.


"Now... I'm going to ask again... Who... Killed them?"

"I don't know.."

"Liguori, I know you're a fucking liar.." I smiled.

"I'm not squealing..." He smiled.


Court Revisiting

"Hazel... I asked you the last time if you could see the killer here.. Correct?"

"Yeah.." She said.

"Can you point to them?"

"I'm afraid not.." She exhaled slowly.

"And why is that?" I asked.

"Although they are here.... I can't do it.." She gulped.

"Why is that?"

"They said I'd be next..." Hazel started crying.

"Hazel, you know you are safe here... There are police officers at every door.. You can't be free to say whatever.."

"Dan, I can't..." She looked at me.

This is my fiancé's freedom we're talking about... The vengeance of your friends..

"No further questions.." I said.


"The defense calls... Dan Howell... to the stand.." Liguori said.

Bring it..

"Now... Dan... it is under my understanding you are now.. engaged.."

Where are you going with this?

"Liguori, where are you going with this?" The judge asked.

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