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Rapture The Final Battle By: LadyDawn

2014 Copyright © All Right Reserved


The time has arrived; three children born out of the love of their parents for a peaceful world to raise their children in with no more fighting among their kind; Werewolves and Vampire. But that didn't happen. Now it is up to these four children now of age to do what their parents before them couldn't, bring peace to the world as a whole, or destroy it completely as a last ditch measure as a total loss. Which will it be in the end, save the earth for all mankind, or just throw in the towel and destroy it, and move on to a new planet and start a new. That is the premise of this story which you will be joining us in reading about; whether it be here on earth or some other planet. Only time will tell. Come let me introduce you to the four people that will decide your fate in this the final battle between good and evil.

First let me introduce you to the only male in the group and the strongest of the bunch by far, the most dangerous. I am talking about Bavo Sabau born unto Catarina and Sorin Sabau a werewolf vampire team. This is what makes Bavo so dangerous being the worlds second and only Hybrid, only this time a male Hybrid first to ever be born unto the world. He has powers never imagined the power over life and death and the power to end the earth in the blink of an eye.

Second is Valia Sabau a vampire of the most vicious kind by far. Don't ever cross her she would just as soon drain you dry as snap your neck to kill you for doing evil to one she feels to being helpless. Protector of the humans do not come between her or the ones she is trying to protect, or help out. If it comes down to it she has no problems with killing a lowly human she feels is doing wrong against humanity.

Then there is Icka Sabau the one shapeshifter of the bunch. With her you never know what shape she will take to fool her enemy, or to take on the advantage to take down another. She is so very cunning in battle. Extremely vicious when she is in cat form especially her ferociously huge white Saber toothed tiger. With the power and strength of ten tigers all wrapped into one tight bundle, not something you want to walk upon in a dark alley. She may seem shy in human form, never cross her she is a tiger in sheep clothing.

Finally, but not the least, we have The Lady Gaia Linford, Witch extraordinaire. With a family background of witches like the Linford's. With all the intense training this young lady has received since birth, there is, nor has there ever been another witch like her. Starting at the age of four she has been at the German training center with both supreme witches as trainers; along with sister Samantha while her sister was still young. Now that she is old enough to venture out on her own she has joined up with the rest of this gang and also has been given the ultimate gift.

* * * * IMMORTALITY * * * *

Now that you have met the four new ones that are here to end all the fighting between the mythical kind in the world and the humans, it is only fair to tell you their chosen group name. The Deciders; because it is up to them to decide if this world is going to be fit to live in when they are finished their final battle against the evil within. Stick around and read to see what happens to this beautiful blue/green world we call Earth. RAPTURE The Final Battle   This story told by one of their own: Valia Sabau - Narator. 

*************** A/N Only one you will see! ******************

You will notice they call each other brother and sister when they are cousins in reality. It is a tight knit family unit, and they consider themselves as brother and sisters. It is just the way it is, not a mistake by yours truly. I wanted them to work and act like a close family unit hence the sibling reference. Sorry if it is confusing it is what it is.

Enjoy the story. 

Writer LadyDawn 

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