Chapter 7 Interview With The Queen

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Rapture The Final Battle By: LadyDawn

2014 Copyright © All Right Reserved

Chapter 7 Interview With The Queen

Out by the lake is one of the third most sacred places on this blue/green planet to our kind. We, the vampires were the very first to come here to both terraform this planet and populate it with life forms of a dying planet. The werewolves attacked one of our last ships and hijacked it to this new colony in an attempt not to be left behind. In doing so they set themselves up a new pack here on this newly established world along with several other tag-a-long species of supernatural beings that hid in and amongst the packed freight. Smart little buggers. All to scatter to different parts of this new world once the ship landed then multiplied. The first vampires were the ones to set up four sacred ground this one, the one in Romania where our training camp is located, Stonehenge, and one secret one atop a high mountain that we had our right done upon us at. That one is but the most sacred and secret of all of them, and of course the one I am currently at Ravenwood right here at the manor under a full moon.

Once a month I come out here by the lake to our sacred grounds to pray to our Goddess Diana. The stars are out the sky is so dark that they twinkle as they glow so brightly up above in their inky darkness. The moon is so full tonight, it's orange hew is the brightest thing in the evenings sky, it's glow casting down upon my skin warming me in the cool night air. This is just something I really needed to unwinds and ground myself and become one with the earth, moon and stars.

I wake up refreshed and feeling like a totally new person this morning. It is amazing what a through skyclad grounding/moon bathing trance will do for your bio rhythm. There is nothing like going all natural under the moon during a self ritual and grounding. My mind feels back in sync with my body and element and a total calm has washed all over my entire being. I am one with myself. I flash down to the dining room after my shower and dressing in a very pale blue long dress for breakfast like the rest of my sisters and brother are now doing every morning, noon and night. It is to keep us in good practice so Lady Gaia tells us. Flashing is our new word for our transportation AKA teleportation to other places; we just think it sounds better.

While we are waiting for everyone to get here all our communication devices go off; a call for us to meet down in the office with Viorel. We each get a drink to go and head on down to see what requires all four of us before breakfast.

“Viorel you have something for us?” Bavo asked our secretory as I was just plopping my bottom down on one of the desk chairs. She is busy with multiple overhead view-screen sending data from one to another so fast you can hardly follow her hands.

“Already on your flexi-vuescreens, I just sent them... now.” She threw a few more thing from one screen to another then another screen lit up with all kinds of data scrolling up the screen.

“Thank you Viorel.” Bavo told her, then we all sat down and read our screens we each had unfolded off our arms. “Hum we are headed to Germany for an interview with our grandmother the Queen. All it says is the dress code is gown and tuxes mandatory bring change of clothes for after. Oh formal affair before the Queen must be important. OK. Gang you read it let's go eat then we can get changed so we can head out. We have about thirty minutes so lets rush it if we all want to eat before we go.” Pop, pop, pop, pop we were out of there and back into the dining room in a flash. All standing in a row at the serving line ready to get our food to start eating. A quick prayer later and we scoffed down our food and in no time we were all up in our rooms changing and ready to flash over to Germany to the High Council castle. It was one very quick trip thanks to Lady Gaia.

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