Chapter 19 A Mission Now? Shorthanded?

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Rapture The Final Battle By: LadyDawn

2014 Copyright © All Right Reserved

Chapter 19 A Mission Now? Shorthanded?

Valia had been gone now for two days when the call came in from the main office that we had to leave for a vital mission. The thing we have all been training so hard for daily had finally arrived. Only we are down two members of our teem right now, Valia and Lady Gaia; both are back in Germany at the birthing center getting ready for the birth of our new one, and can't leave to come to our aid. We have worked as a team for so long and know each others strong points; it is impossible to replace them with anyone else. They are sending Lady Samantha to assist us, but she is no match for her sister, Lady Gaia in strengths and knowledge of our routines out in the field; more of a hindrance if anything when it comes to playing off of acting on the fly.

“Is everyone ready? Lady Sam, you ready for this too? Play off whoever you work with. Icka, have everything we need? Good then let's join arms and get out of here times a wasting.” Bavo reached out his arms, and we all joined arms and flashed out to the outskirts of the fighting zone. We landed just outside of were all the trouble was happening between a large group of werewolves. Our estimate is a hundred in numbers, a crocotta, a type of shapeshifter that drains the sole of humans they kill and is super fast, but is easily killed with any kind of sharp object, one Davea, a shadow demon of sorts that cannot manifest without a shadow and is used by other demons; she can only be killed by extreme light, fortunately there is only one of them here at the moment, for they are such a pain to kill. And last but not least, your run of the mill demon, there are a hundred or so them here instigating all the trouble, but that is all it takes.

“Here is the plan as I see it, the werewolves are not our main problem so leave them along as best you can. Go after the demon and that one crocotta out there, they are our prime targets. If we can eliminate them the fighting will cease. The demons are stirring up all the trouble here, just be careful. Lady Sam you are the only one among us here that can be affected by the crocotta being you're human, so, stay clear of her at all cost; she is really fast, and lastly don't heed her call. We shouldn't have to worry about the Davea if we kill off all the demon she is only a threat if a demon is around to pull her strings. If you do run into her draw her out where you can use the sun against her by using your sword to reflect the sun into her eyes for a split second, that is all that is needed to kill one. Now, with that being said, let's all get in there and kick some demon ass.” Bavo vanished as did Icka leaving behind, poor Lady Sam.

Lady Sam soon followed suit appearing in the thick of things using magick to start killing off demon after demon. A few werewolves attacked her, but were easily stopped dead in their tracks with a quick sleeping spell so as not to have to kill them. Bavo was knee deep in werewolves fighting along side them killing off the demons once they realized he was no threat to them. Icka, was not having it so easy till she shifted into her tiger form and jumped up onto a large bolder and roared out startling most of the wolves around her. She quickly changed back and dressed into her clothes and started fighting along with the wolves around the huge bolder she stood upon earlier. Demons fell left and right till, Lady Sam ran upon the one demon she least expected to come upon, the one controlling the Davea who attacked her mercifully. The demon that was controlling the Davea was expertly using her to move the witch away from the fighting and out into the trees away from any and all sources of light.

Lady Sam, was throwing spells left and right at the Davea to no avail, all that she was doing was being led further and further away from the fighting and any means of the one true source of killing this vile creature off. The sun. Seeing that she had been force deep into the forest, Lady Samantha was left with no further option that to create her own source of light in the form of a magical fireball turning her whole body into a glowing yellow ball of pure energy bright enough that the Davea burst into flames right there on the forest floor. Though it worked to end the Davea's existence; it totally drained Lady Samantha who dropped to the side of the nearest tree exhausted and done for the day.

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