Chapter 45 Third Time Is A Charm?

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Rapture The Final Battle By: LadyDawn

2014 Copyright © All Right Reserved

Chapter 45 Third Time Is A Charm?

The group found an out of the way place on a private beach as secluded as possible from the populous of island life. They regrouped and set up a new base of operation, and began once again to flash in and out of the underground cavern. They took turns flashing down to monitor the fill of the lava now trying to fill the added expanse of the small cavern as well. Their capabilities were only limited to the areas that they originally had know of, and no further. I had set them up with just what they needed to do their job as originally intended, and nothing more. Any monitoring of the lower lava had to be done by either Diana or myself for their safety.

The beach they set up on through deserted Diana and I had to shield from the public eye just in case anyone stumbled upon what was going on down on the beach with all the boxes of explosives, and shielding devices along with maps and directions of underground caverns and water inlet tubes. To the common human it would look like they were planning an underwater disaster of some sort; which in one way, or another if it got out of hand, and was left to chance, a new island could form off the coast of the big island of Hawaii. The only problem with that being it might just destroy all the surrounding islands in the process with earthquakes and tidal-waves. Not a good thing to say the least.

Monitoring went on throughout the night and into the next day. They had originally planned for this to be over by nightfall last night, but with the addition of the smaller cavern it was taking much longer to fill, so much so, that they were becoming worried that it just might not fill all the way to the top.

I ghosted off the beach from which I had been shielding them at leaving Diana in my place, flew down through the mantle deep below the flows of the three tubes to the well of lave below to check the pressure exerting on the three lava tube flows. The two bigger high tubes were adequate to do their jobs where as the long thin deep well tube was slowly diminishing. The well of lave it was receiving lave from was slowly diminishing. In very short order it would stop flowing, and reverse filling from the pressure exerted upon it from the cavern above. I ghosted back to the beach with my new information.

“You have a new problem at hand, you are loosing the third tube in a matter of minutes it will soon begin to reverse flow, and start sucking lave out of the cavern above back down to the well below.” I hated to be the bearer of bad news all the time, but someone had to do it. I watched them scramble about snatching up the map to check it out while Bavo was setting up two explosive charges. “What are you planning to do, Bavo?” I asked.

“Blow the third well, seal it up to stop it from sucking out the lava holding back what good we have done so far.” He double checked the map with his red name on it, and flashed out of sight. We waited... and waited...

The little earthquake that rocked the island was minor, hardly noticeable to the common man, but I felt it plain as day; he blew the tube. Now we wait for Bavo to return... It was twenty minutes later when he flashed back into sight not looking very happy in the least. “Bavo?” I asked. “Was there a problem?”

“Problem?” He scratched the back of his neck. “Problem, that is putting it mildly. The flow has slowed down to a trickle now. We will be lucky to fill the cavern to three quarters full, if that.” He shook his head side to side. “I checked the demons inside, most are dead, but not all. The largest ones are using the smaller to stand on to stay out of the lava. If we can't fill the cavern fully they will live, and all will be for naught.” He walked away head down.

That was exactly what I was afraid of, not being able to fill the cavern full, and the strongest surviving. What to do, what to do? I can't go in to help them or interfere; it is against the Goddess' ways, and I would never do anything like that, ever. So, what can be done in this instance? I guess the only thing left to do is for them to just go back inside and blow the inside of the cavern hopefully the demon will fall into the lava, and die with the rest of their brethren.

“Bavo, Icka Lady Gaia, gather around I have an idea you might all like, if you would?” I waved them forward. They huddled around, Diana and I, in a semicircle. I squatted down before them where they all sat. “New plan. You each take turns taking a couple of your explosive packs into the cavern, and drop them into the lava near the congregation of living demons then flash back out. Wait the designated time for them to go off then the next person flash in with a couple more, and do it again till all the demon are either finished off, or you run out of explosives. Someone will need to flash back for more to seal up the two tubes if we run out.” I explained.

“That is a great plan, but I think we have more that enough here to do the job, and blow the tubes afterwards.” Lady Gaia said. “In fact I will pull four setups aside just in case, they shouldn't be necessary to get the job done.” I smiled at her confidence.

“Very well then get to it.” I sent them on their way. Bavo took two with him then disappeared... when he returned he was counting visibly then motioned for Lady Gaia to go. She disappeared also... it took her a little longer to return than Bavo did, but when she came back Bavo started counting with his hand raised above his head.

“Go,” He shouted to Icka she flashed out disappearing from sight, we waited... It wasn't long before she was standing back on the beach, and Bavo was back to counting again. Three, two, one. Flash. He was gone... This went on over, and over again.

Long before they ran out of explosives they stopped flashing down to the cavern, and waited for a few hours... They wanted to see if any had survived their non-stop attack for the last three hours. The Lava had stopped filing up the cavern at about the three quarter level. One last partial flash into the cavern they all hovered not completing the flash so they could look around the cavern closely flitting around to make sure it was all quiet along the red bubbling surface. The only thing moving was the red/yellow glow of the lava pool and nothing more. They all flashed back out to the beach.

“Looks like our job here is finished I didn't see anything moving down there. Did any of you?” Bavo asked.

“I didn't, did you Lady Gaia?” Icka asked her.

“Not a thing. Just the ripple of the lava I guess it worked. So what do we do now wait and see? Or do we blow the lava tubes and head back home?” She asked.

“Blow and go.” Bavo suggested. He was in a hurry to get out of here.

“I say we wait, and make sure it is finally finished. I have had my fill of these things. I don't feel like coming back here ever again.” Icka complained as she strut up, and back on the beach before everyone.

“I agree with Icka, I for one don't want to come back here ever again!” She raised her voice for emphasis, so not like Lady Gaia. “We have spent so much time on these demon a few more hours checking won't matter either way right now. We stay and finish this job once and for all.” Lady Gaia made her stand she pulled Icka to her side as her show of unity. Bavo looked to Diana and I for support, we both glided away it was their call to make.

“Fine,” Bavo huffed out mad. “I will give it one last day then we blow the tubes, and I am out of here for good.” He stormed to the far side of the beach were he had a small shelter set up to lay down under, out of the sun. They spent the rest of the day, and night checking the cavern out for any signs of life...

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