Chapter 18 A Doctor Visit With A Surprise

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Rapture The Final Battle By: LadyDawn

2014 Copyright © All Right Reserved

Chapter 18 A Doctor Visit With A Surprise

For the last four weeks I have spent every waking moment with my little baby bump that is ever growing within me. I go down to the training room most days to my own area and work with the baby with my water element teaching each other new ways to work with my element. Other times we go out to our secret hideaway to practice the more intricate water talents like forced water cutting, or explosive water projectiles. Those are really fun to make, we both enjoy those immensely. All in all, we have been spending all our waking hours testing our abilities together. Mother and daughter, it is probably the only time I will have to be close to her in this lifetime. It still weighs heavy on my sole that I will never see her when she is born, but, that at a later date we will be together to one day fight the evils of the world.

I go off to Germany in two days for my final checkup for the baby then from there I have only one month left before she is to be born. We, as the supers of the world are so lucky in that regards, being that we only have to carry for 6 months, not 9, due to the rapid growth of our fetus in the womb, and even after for the first twenty or so years thereafter. At, or around the age of twenty five our parents inject us with a serum from a gland within their mouths that slows down our aging process by about 100/1 in years. Making most almost immortal, unlike those of us in my family who actually are Immortals. Our aging process has been stopped at age twenty five never to advance another year. From my grandmother the Queen on down we are all the same age in appearance. It is so strange looking at someone that looks my age, that is the Queen of all the Supernatural species and the most powerful person in the world, sans none and is over one hundred years old.

As the month before, Lady Gaia flashes me to Germany to go for my monthly baby check up, delivering me straight into my room where the doctor will see me. “I will be up with my sister, Sam when you are done. Just page me and I will come down to get you and take you back home. OK?” Lady Gaia quickly flashed out of the room before I could answer her. I am guessing she was in a hurry to go see her sister, The Lady Samantha.

The doctor came in about fifteen minutes later after I had changed into the customary paper gown. She walked in and up to me and knelt down before me placing a hand on my baby bump. I looked down at her. “Um... What are you doing down there, doctor?” I looked at her, she looked like she was praying.

“I am giving reverence to the holy one. Mistress Valia.” The doctor replies then stood up. “Please if it is not too much trouble could you lie down so I may check her holiness out and make sure there are no problems.” I shook my head, but hopped up on the table and laid back so she could do her thing. She pressed in on the baby then measured her growth and did an ultrasound on her along with some other test she normally does. “Her holiness is looking very well. You are doing a fine job of keeping her healthy my dear.” She helped me to a sitting position. “I will see you in three weeks time to prepare you for the delivery the following week. I know we normally wait till you break your water to bring you in, but this being a special baby I want you in a week early to be safe.” 'Woo, now can we say going a little overboard here.'

“I take it Lady Xandria told you about my little chat with the Moon Goddess and my special child here,” I rubbed my baby bump. “There is no need for any kind of special care here with her she is just like any other baby you deliver.” Well sort of, other than the fact that she will disappear, and I will die right after the delivery, but hey that aside it will be a normal delivery. “There is nothing special needed here. I am a mother like any other mother getting read to give birth to a baby.” I told my doctor.

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