Chapter 15 I Am Not Your Test Dummy

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Rapture The Final Battle By: LadyDawn

2014 Copyright © All Right Reserved

Chapter 15 I Am Not Your Test Dummy

I was up most of the night, I couldn't sleep. Wilda kept checking in on me all through the night, it was a blessing having her sleeping in the same room with me like she did—as with my mother before and while I was young—I never understood why when we returned after the renovations the extra space with the partitions in each of the four of the main room,, now they make sense.—I only remember her in there while I was little. Last night even a warm glass of Royal blood did little to settle my baby bump down so I could get anything close to what I call rest. She was so actively fluttering, it was like having a vibrator turned on rolling around inside my belly. It was un-nerving to say the least. Wilda sat up with me for most of the night talking about old times she had dealing with mother and grams and all the children while they were off fighting. Even the funny things the children did once their parents came back home.

Goddess I sure hope my little one isn't like any of them while I am away on missions. But knowing me mine will be exactly like me, a hell raiser.

I finally gave up on trying to sleep by suggestion of Wilda and went to take a nice warm bath—I know, Valia taking a bath? Unheard of but true—I soaked for an hour till the water went cold, then Wilda helped me up and dried me off with a big fluffy towel. Dressed in a comfortable shift dress that loosely hung from my shoulders to my feet in a blue/green color I padded down to the sitting room barefoot to watch the tele for a few minutes. Pulling my feet under myself on my couch I leaned back and relaxed while watching the morning news services, it was so boring I fell fast asleep. Finally.

Wilda came down after cleaning my room up and sat quietly by waiting for everyone else to get up and file down for breakfast. As they came looking for me she intercepted on my behalf and left me sleeping while everyone else went in to eat. She even went so far as to shut down the TV, that was always left, on so that the flickering would not wake me. I slept till I heard Maria come in with a glass of Royal blood for me, the glass clicked when its crystal base tapped the glass surface of my side table by my recliner couch. It startled me causing me to jump up almost knocking the glass out of her hand in the process when my arm shot out toward the side. “Maria! Hi, what times is it? Did I miss breakfast yet?” I rubbed the sleep from my eyes. Then reached for my glass of blood and drank it all down in a few gulps, handed her back the empty glass. “Thanks.” I know hardly ladylike.

“Breakfast, really? Honey you slept through breakfast it is time for lunch now. Thank you sweetie, I'll take that back to the kitchen, lunch will be ready in fifteen. Rest here till it is ready. I will send someone to get you when it is.” Maria left me sitting there alone in an unusually quiet sitting room. I looked up to realize the TV was shut off.

“TV ON!” I commanded, then waited while it fired up, and it selected the proper satellite for the noontime news. Once it was finally up and running a sat back and played news pong between the two news stations. Super and Human News. Not much was happening anywhere in the world, there wasn't even a report about the unrest from just the day before in New England UK. Go figure, how fickle the news channels are. Fifteen minutes later Icka came in to help me up from my recliner to go in to eat. I was actually very stiff from laying around all morning. “Thanks, Icka, I needed that. I guess I was sitting on my legs a little too long. Giggle”

“Wilda wouldn't let us wake you this morning, said you didn't sleep all night. Problems with the little one?” She placed her hand on my belly, and my little one kicked her hand off. So strong my little one. “That is some kicker you got there girl. Giggle. Wow.” We entered the dining room, and I was about to pull out my chair looking over the table at Icka who had just made it to her chair also. “Watch it Valia!” She shouted. I turned in time to see something coming right at my stomach with no time to react to it before hearing a crash behind me on the table. It was Bavo. He had thrown a knife at my middle, it landed on the table knocking over a couple of glasses when it landed.

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