Chapter 32 Time For Another Little Trip

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Rapture The Final Battle By: LadyDawn

2014 Copyright © All Right Reserved

Chapter 32 Time For Another Little Trip

Indian summer is such a wonderful thing up here in the northern states, that is till it comes to a crashing halt. You can imagine our faces when in the middle of the day after practicing hard all morning long out by the lake, even dipping our hands, and feet into the water to cool off; only to go inside, to come back out after lunch to find it snowing out. To say we were disappointed wasn't even close to the words I wanted to use, but... refrained from with, Diana around; she has become a great influence on me lately in that department. Now we are back to being stuck indoors huddled around the fireplace, once again. The only unequivocal factor in all this is, Diana and I, are getting to know each other so much better.

The sooth of the matter is, Diana, and I have grown extremely close together, closer that your average mother-daughter. Between mind reading, and mind speak, plus our interaction with our Goddess, it has a way of entwining our soles together in ways others never get to experience. It goes way beyond the normal mother-daughter relationships; it is an interlacing of one with the other.

Now, here on our fourth day of being snowed in. Again. We are having a hard time trying to find anything to occupy our days with. We have gone so far as helping, Wilda and Stela, with cleaning the manor till it sparkles, even then we both found ourselves running out of things to do. Now propped up with my feet under me on my couch, watching, Diana on the floor with a 2000 piece puzzle she found up in an attic storage space which I never knew about; if it is there she will find it. This is about as interesting as watching paint dry—at this point if I had some I just might go paint something so I could watch it dry I am that bored. The only highlight of our days has been either our meals, listening to the others talk about their training downstairs, or actually sitting on the bottom step watching from far enough away so as not to influence any of them in the hopes of not destroying the entire training room. 'Sigh' I let out a big sigh of resignation. 'I agree with you, mother. I could just scream!' Diana retorted from her position on the floor below me.

“Diana? What do you feel like doing, honey?” I have got to get out of here before I go bat shit crazy!

“Anything would be great with me, mother” 'sigh' 'I heard that, ha, ha'

“Come,” I dragged her up off of the floor away from her puzzle then flashed her quickly up to our room. I had a brainstorm of an idea. “Get dressed in one of your winter dresses with a pair of thermals under we are heading out, oh, and grab that pretty warm winter coat I just got for you, also, you will need it where we are going. Your tallest boots and don't forget the boot knives as well we best be protected just in case it is daytime you know.” I quickly changed into a really thick wool dress: nice, thick and warm, it was blue with green flecks throughout it. I grabbed my new jacket off the hanger all the way in the back of the walk in closet then found Diana's to hand to her. They are the latest material; ultra thin, but good from +30° down to -50° perfect for where I planned to take my daughter.

Once we were dressed and carrying our coats we flashed down to the kitchen to speak to, Maria for a brief moment to gather up a few necessary supplies for our day trip. “Morning, Maria. can you possibly make us a quick pack of snacks and instant blood and water for day trip out for, Diana and I, please.” I asked politely.

“Why certainly Mistress Valia it would be a pleasure just give me a moment and I will get right on that for you both.” Maria, wiped her hands on her apron then went to work pulling things from several cabinets, and a walk-in that held most of the food supplies. In no time at all we had two small packs filled to the brim with everything we needed for our trip. We slipped them on our backs so they would be neatly kept hidden under our coats.

“Thank you so much, Maria. Love you.” I bent over hugged, and kissed her as I always have since I was little.

“Love you too, now get going I have work to do. Have fun, Diana,” with that we were off for the day. We put on our coats then I took Diana's hand, and flashed out of the manor. There was no need to tell anyone where we were going because I had a tracking device installed on my communication device in my left arm. Diana was supposed to have one installed in her left arm also, but I forbid it profusely, and for a change won that argument. She now wears a simple bracelet instead which functions similar with tracking, monitoring of work done, auto-paperwork, that sort of thing, but no communications. She is waiting on the newest versions of Flexi-vuescreen to come in, they are currently on backorder. I put my hand up over Diana's eyes as we came out of flash, landing perfectly behind a huge standing stone. I didn't want to spoil my surprise upon landing.

“You ready to know where we are, Diana?” She nodded her head behind my hand rapidly. “OK. Take a look tell me what you think.” I pulled my hand away so she could look around pulling her from behind the standing stone we hid behind upon landing.

“Where? Stonehenge? Mother! Wow!” She was excited I had brought her to one of our most sacred sites for a day outing. We walked over to the alter stone, and both dropped down to our knees before it, and laid our hands down upon it; The sun was shining down brightly upon the snow filled grassy area around us—around the alter stone. We could feel the immense power radiating up and out of the alter, and into our hands though freezing cold—the alter rapidly warmed under our bare hands. This was the power of the Sun God at work before our very eyes, we said a prayer to the God of the Sun the Giver of Life, Apollo. Being so close to the Winter Solstice which we must attend back in Germany soon, I figured this was the perfect place to bring my daughter to show her her roots to her Mother Goddess The Moon Goddess; and the counter part, The God Aspect. When we were done praying we rose up, and set to reconnoitre the area. It was so beautiful, the tall sarsen stones standing so regal against the backdrop of the ever presence of the white all around us. Snow. Here it was beautiful, and did not seem out of place. It was so peaceful.

After several hours at the site we flashed over to Woodhenge for a few minutes to look around, and read the description plaque then flashed up to Avebury, Wiltshire to check out the great henge there as well. Another plaque told us that it started out as an earthen henge then the sarsen stones were added in at a later date somewhere around 2600 BCE. It was so interesting wandering around in the ancient history of our forefathers past; to think their worship practices were so much stronger than ours of today.

Our final stop for the day was at Arbor Low an earthed henge with some 46 sarsen stones laying down around the edge that were added at a later date than the earthen henge was built, and 13 smaller stones at the center. We walked the henge looking around till we came upon a plaque dating the site back to around 2500 BC; again our ancestors time. “Wow, they really got around here back in Old England.” Diana commented. I couldn't agree more with her. Stopping to eat a snack we found a nice dry patch of ground with no snow on it, and settled down for a few minutes to eat and have a nourishing drink of blood. I added a packet of instant blood powder to each of our water bottles capped them, and shook them up and handed Diana one to drink with her meal while I fished out something to snack on for myself. It was a picture perfect day out today here for our impromptu pick-nick. By the time we had finished eating our snack the sun was just setting low in the sky so we flashed back to Stonehenge to watch it finish setting before heading back home for the night.

The setting sun from the center of Stonehenge was truly amazing as was the rising of the moon from the east. One setting in the western sky the other rising low on the horizon, soon it would align with the sarsen stones of Stonehenge perfectly at the winter solstice. Again. As it did many thousands, and tens of thousands of years ago when it was built. Sigh. It was so beautiful it was hard to leave to go home, but... leave we did. Flash, we were both standing in the sitting room with all the rest of the family removing our winter gear. “Home sweet home... Sigh. It was fun while it lasted, Diana.” I sighed out.

“Yes it was, Mother. I had a great time today out at Stonehenge, and all the other places too. Thanks you for taking me. I. Love. You.” She tippy toed up, and kissed me on the cheek then flashed on up to our room to get ready for bed. It was a long tiring day for the two of us. I was ready for bed myself.

“Night all see ya in the morning. I am beat.” I waved, and followed Diana's flash. I was up in the bedroom changing out of my winter dress and long undies and into a nice comfortable nightgown under the covers in nothing flat. Sound asleep before I even knew my head hit the pillow. Throwing off my own share of zzz's for the rest of the night.

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