Chapter 29 The Lugnasadh Festival

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Rapture The Final Battle By: LadyDawn

2014 Copyright © All Right Reserved

Chapter 29 The Lugnasadh Festival

“Morning honey,” I sat on the side of Diana's bed. “how are you feeling this morning you had a big day yesterday, that was some power you wield there, daughter.” I lent over to hug my girl then sat up smiling. “are you hungry?”

“I am still a little tired, still, but very hungry. I will get up and go down to eat with you, mother,” I mover out of her way so she could get up and handed her a pretty housecoat to put on. She went to her armoire to pick out a dress for the day while I picked up the clothes she wore last night off the floor by her bed where she had left them. We were both so tired when we got back I got her into a nightgown and a couple of glasses of blood into her with Wilda's help then she was in bed asleep in record time. Wilda left after she had delivered me several glasses of blood; I gave Diana hers and mine both, she required both to recover enough just to be able to rest peacefully.

“You go take your shower honey I had mine already. I will get dressed while I am waiting for you to finish.” I finished straightening her room up, and made her bed then went to get dressed while waiting on Diana, by the time she was out of the shower I was dressed for the day, and able to help her braid her long satiny silver hair into a single thick braid down the middle of her back just the way I had mine. We flashed down to the sitting room together to catch a few minutes of the morning news which was all the time we had before it was time for our breakfast.

We entered the dining room joining the others, we stayed in the sitting room a bit longer watching the human news, we were watching an interesting story, and lost tract of time. We were the last to enter for the first time ever, taking our seats. “Hi Valia, Diana, not like you two to be last to get here. Sleep in?” Bavo asked?

“No. We were in the sitting room and lost all track of time, sorry.”

“Oh, Anything we should know about?” He looked over to me asking with his eyes. Questing with a reaised eyebrow. 

“What? Oh... No, just the usual, we are just running a little late after last night. I guess.”

“I see. Diana?” She looked up and over at Bavo. “That was some display you gave last night. It was a really big help with all those people. I want to thank you for what you did. Is that one of your powers?” Bavo asked.

“Powers? I don't understand. What happened last night? I know I became very tired and fell asleep for that I am truly sorry.” My girl replied. I was stunned by her answer. I turned my head to look at her stunned.

“Um... Honey? You don't remember freezing all those people in the building last night we were talking to?”

“I did what?” That puzzled look on her face spoke, volumes.

“Diana? You froze over fifty people for well over forty five minutes giving us time to enthrall them all. It was a total time saver that not even, Lady Gaia could have done.” She looked totally shocked at what Bavo had told her. I saw the expression on her face.

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