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"So...I have unfinished business?" Ursula swung her legs on the bench, licking her ice-cream, idle.

"Yes, you must have something that's holding back, for other souls, they know what their business is and if they don't, I can tell them but for your case, I don't know." I pondered.

"Hmm...what unfinished business do other souls have?"

"Well, most of them have some sort of loose relationship they need to tie up and usually some sort of apology or revenge in some severe cases. I have to tell you that those souls who seek revenge will never be able to step foot in Heaven. Once blood is shed and a life is lost, the soul will either continue on their murderous rampage and turn into a vengeful spirit or they shall reside in the depths of hell fire." She looked at me with an incredulous look.

" I may be a murderer or end up burning in fire...Gee mister, you sure know how to make me happy..." She slumped back against the park bench, the ice-cream dissolving into dust.

"Then again, there are also special cases with remembering their past and such. Maybe you want to seek someone from the past out? Somebody you used to know?" She perked up at my words and started humming some sort of song.

"I suppose that could be possible. I don't really remember much of my past and childhood. All I can really remember is life with my adopted mummy and daddy. I don't remember much of my life before." She muttered, her eyes squinting at something in the distance.

"Ah, that might be what's holding you back. Were you ever curious to who your parents were?" I asked as she bobbed her head up and down.

"Well then, let's pay them a visit shall we?" I pressed my hand over Ursula's forehead as we reappeared in a clinical area.

I dismissed the receptionist and searched through piles of paperwork, trying to pick out a file for Ursula. Despite me being the embodiment of death, I still have to perform mundane tasks like searching through countless number of drawers and files. Puts a downer on my title doesn't it?

"Hey mister death!" I looked up to see Ursula calling me with a quizzical look on her face.

"Yes Ursula?"

"Who's your mommy and daddy?"

I blanched at the idea of me having parents. We were creations of darkness with one soul purpose and having...mommies and daddies would not help our cause in any way, neither would they benefit us. It was just a fact that we were simply beings that were not capable of giving and receiving love.

"No. I don't have any parents." I said bluntly as I continued my search.

"Oh. Well...who did the stork bring you to then?" She said cluelessly.

The stork, one of humanity's most idiotic stories ever created. I did not understand how a winged creature would have to do with carrying and giving birth to miniature humans.

"When there's life, there must be death and with light, there must be darkness. Its a simple fact that the cycle of life and death must be in balance with two beings of creation molded from the stars and sun. I was formed with darkness wrapping around me while God was born from the light of the sun and the flames of shooting stars." I noticed that Ursula's jaw was slack as she stared at me with raised eyebrows.

"Er...can you...say it again?" She smiled cheekily as I sighed.

"I was born from the night." I muttered.

"Ohhh. So you're like an alien?"

Another reason why humanity was both infuriating and brilliant at its core. Aliens? Extraterrestrial monsters? Why was it so hard to believe that everything had a scientific explanation behind them, then again, who am I to say that when my very existence is an urban myth. One thing I will say is that I've been to Mars, there is no sign of aliens. At least none that I know of. God had tried creating forms to live on Earth but none of them seemed able to survive the hard climates.

"No. I am not an...alien." I blanched before continuing my search.

"Huh. Well do you have any brothers and sisters?" I froze at her words before turning abruptly and sending her a warning look.

"What? What did I say? I only asked if you had any brothers or sisters..." She pouted as my eye twitched.

" you have a sibling?" I ignored her and continued searching through countless amount of files.

"Oh! Is it a girl or boy?! Wow, you have someone who's just like you-" I was inched away from her face, a furious blush spreading across and my eyes narrowed and sharp.

"Don't ever say that I'm like him! Don't you ever compare Hades to me. I'm nothing like him." I strode away in silence.

"Hades? Who's Hades?" The foolish girl clearly didn't get the message.

"Look, I'm trying to help you but if you don't keep your mouth shut, I'm going to toss you out in the streets and leave you there without going to rest. There are some things that others shouldn't know about and this is one of those things so please, leave it alone." I spoke in a sharp tone, my eyes shooting daggers at her as she shriveled under my gaze.

"Yes...sir." She muttered before hiding behind a magazine.

I didn't like talking about my brother, Justice knew that, hell, everyone knew that. He was one of the reasons to why I never gotten close to anybody and was stuck doing the reaping job while he ruled the underworld.

Hades was everything wrong in the universe packaged into a single being of death and destruction. He was the king of nightmares and the reason to why I hate my existence so much.

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