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I stepped into the fresh shore of the Underworld, taking in the gloomy appearance of the Underworld, it hadn't changed a bit with its saddening bleak habitat occupied with withering plants and decaying corpses. The Asphodel being the only beautiful thing in this fortress of fog and grey. I can't say that it's good to be home.

I smelt the familiar scent of burning lava as ashes fell all around me in replacement of rain. The screams were everywhere, the pain and suffering were almost sickening if not for the nostalgic.

"Can you believe this dump?" A soul muttered beside me as I found myself nodding in agreement.

I would be lying if I said that I liked living in the Underworld, I didn't really understand the pleasure of the Earth until I took time to actually enjoy it and not just think about my job so much. I suppose mundane things like ice-cream can be pleasurable after examining how Ursula reacted to the treat.

I started my journey towards the Erinyes hut by looking for Persephone's Pomegranate trees, North, South then West I remembered.

I knocked on the Erinyes's door, inviting myself in to the see the bat-winged hags sitting on the floor in a circle, holding each other's hands and muttering something under their breath as the bowl in front of them crackled and sparked with life.

"Monsieur Reaper we presume?" They all spoke in unison, if I were new to the Underworld, I would be surprised but there was nothing I haven't seen.

"‎Alecto, Megaera, Tisiphone‎." I said formally.

"My dear, why are you here?" Megaera said, her head bobbing up and down to the beat of the drum.

"Yes, do tell, we'll lend our ears." Tisiphone said as she hit the bongo drums in a rhythm.

"For you don't have anything to fear." Alecto said in a poetic voice.

"Have you seen a girl of age twelve, her dress made of skulls." I asked.

"No I'm afraid that you're quite late." Alecto shook her head.

"The girl was taken to her fate." Megaera continued.

"Down they went through the rabbit hole, she looked quite like a frightened foal." Tisiphone finished.

"Where to?"

"Hold on, we don't let you go so easy." Megaera crossed her arms.

"Where are souls that you make queasy." Tisiphone raised an eyebrow.

"The souls that weren't reaped are still alive." Alecto snorted.

"So why should we decide to help you by?" They finished in unison.

"Sharon...her ferry had broken down and with the small capacity of the ferry, she couldn't deliver the souls so I let them go." I said defiantly.

"Hark! That girl is done!" Tisiphone clapped her hands.

"Its time for us to have some fun!" There was a glint in Megaera's eyes.

"Time to celebrate with some rum!" Rum appeared in glasses in their hands as they drank it down and laughed.

"Excuse me but where is the girl?" I interrupted their party.

"River Styx, the river of oaths, there you'll find your girl, you old oaf." They finished in unison.

"Now excuse us, we have new clients." Alecto said.

"A cupid is one of our new finds." Tisiphone chuckled.

"So my dear death, I hope you don't mind." They threw me outside as an anxious looking boy entered with Persephone in trail.

River Styx...

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