Author's Notes

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Another book done! Actually I think I wrote this book in record time. A week or two at the maximum. When I have a idea, I write like a bullet train, never stopping unless writer's block hits me in the face like a brick.

Its 1.49 am but I'm finishing this book because I love finished products and good books. This book gives me immense pleasure with how well it fits, the story may not be perfect but its better and much more mature than what I normally write the blah blah teen love story.

I actually had this idea for this book originally for this gifted writer's programmer audition thing for my portfolio but since its happening in march, I decided to develop the story further as I liked the concept and I know I have many books that are unfinished.

*cough* ahem...26 drafts... *cough*

One day I will finish them all but that not today so maybe I'll become some fancy published author one day.

Anyways, I hope you like the story and below is some FAQ of as I call them Fucking Annoying Questions that I answer. If you want, you can even leave some questions down that you want me to answer. I will answer all of them no matter how weird or stupid. No question goes unanswered.

Q: What's the deal with the title?

A: I'm actually a big fan of indie films and web series. Especially web series, I find those the most creative and entertaining- recommend the Candle Wasters and The Guild. Top notch!

Anyways, I was actually planning to write a script and produce an adaptation one of these days, maybe a couple of years later. I don't know so I had this idea inspired by this short film called LET IT BE by Bertie Gilbert which is an amazing short film about this girl who is 'supposedly' death and how it changes for the better and such. I recommend you to check it out on YouTube.

Adding on the fact that I was planning to make a book related to death, morbid I know, for some time now with LMN and the series continuation. Think of this as part of the series. If you're observant enough, you may even notice references. 10 points to those who can point them out. Hint: it's all in the same universe.

Q: What's your name? Please?

A: Thank you for asking nicely past me and no, I still won't say it even if you strap me to a chair and torture me with a demon knife. Hat is fine but if you don't want to use that name, I'm fine to be called anything from tuna sandwich to Raisins (God save us)

I'll update you on a name once I find one.

Q: Any plans on continuation of this book?

A: Nah, its already a perfect ending, perhaps not satisfactory but its well enough to end a book. I don't believe in sequels so this is a good end.

Q: If you had to choose between being able to save the world but you have to sacrifice cheese or, not being able to save the world but be able to eat cheese, what will you choose?

A: Is this even a question? Obviously I will eat cheese while I watch humanity burn.

Q: What happens to Death?

A: As I always say, its up for interpretation but if you want canon, Death practically went to Tartarus and now lives inside his head while he gets locked away to rot. Not fun.

Q: What about Ursula?

A: Nosy little thing aren't you? Ursula rests in Heaven but then again, she may not be in Heaven. We don't know If Death had enough mojo to send her up there but we do know that Death had died so, she could be a wandering soul for all I know.

Q: What's 700x(200y+472(12x+13y))?

A: Oh for fuck's sake. Didn't I already say that I wasn't a ducking calculator.

Q: Cats or dogs?

A: Cheese.

Q: Has Death has any relationships?

A: Yes but they're not mine to tell. If Death finds out, he'll kill me. Literally. I'll leave that up for interpretation.

Q: Casting ideas?

A: Actually, the naked sheet scene was actually inspired by Benedict Cumberbatch when he plays Sherlock Holmes in Sherlock, the TV series. The one where he is literally wearing nothing but a sheet in the fancy room with John, waiting for Mycroft.

Ursala, I actually think that she could be played by Sierra McCormick who plays Lilith as the little girl in Supernatural. I think its a good fit with blonde hair and all.

Lady Justice? Not really sure. I didn't really have a person in mind when I made her character but if I had to choose...Emily Swallow who plays the Darkness in Supernatural or...Amy Okuda because I'm a huge fan of the Guild.

Hermes, obviously you should know who this is if you're a big enough Supernatural fan with my many clues. The one and only trickster/arch angel. Richard Speight Jr.

Sharon, if you've read LOVE ME NOT then you should already know who's she's inspired by, Daenerys Targaryen. The character, not the actress who plays her.

Hades, the ever so grim Hades. He, I didn't have a character in mind but I can find the closest represent him, Percy Daggs III? I don't know, I recently started watching the new adventures of Wendy+Peter and he is the bad guy gone good? It kinda fits but if you need another character to recommend, Kit Harington who plays obviously, Jon Snow from Game Of Thrones.

The ever so lovely Persephone will have to be played by...Ruth Connell (Supernatural), Karen Gillan (Doctor Who), Felicia Day (Who I love, check out her book, you're never weird on the internet (almost)), Ashley Clements (Lizzie Bennett Diaries) , Mary Kate Wiles (Squaresville, Lizzie Bennet Diaries, etc.)

If you're thinking that I'm just listing off all the redheads I know, you're probably right but they're all so perfect. Its like being a ginger gives you like perfect skin and hair and...totally not PB&Jelly but if you're a redhead, 10 points to you because you probably look like a model.

Extra characters are to be used in your own imagination or actors that you like.

Q: Is this the end?

A: There is no end, only when we start and when we stop. Life is just too short to end before we even begin.

(Words of wisdom by a socially awkward writer that has frequent writer's block that involves frustrating watches of queer relationships on screen by screaming out annoyance of how they NEVER ADMIT THEIR GODDAMN LOVE. DAMN YOU.)

You know who you are.

December 21 2016

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