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I woke up lying on a soft bed. I was tucked in like a small child with a blanket wrapped snugly around me. I felt a throbbing pain in my head. The tingling sensation that traveled across my body.

I was of the rooms in Hades's house. The 356th guest room if I was correct. It had been such a long time since I had been in his castle properly, my visit had been cut short if you would remember.

I stumbled out of the bed, wrapping the sheets around my...naked body. Every part of it ached and hurt with scars marring visible skin. What happened? I don't remember much after Ursula left...where were my clot-

I remember now. Oh god, what was that sound in my head. That constant thumping and pain swimming through my veins.

I dropped to the ground, the blanket flaring out from around me as I curled up into a ball, pulling my knees up to my chest as I squeezed my eyes shut.

"Hello Mister-Dear Heavens!" I didn't bother to look at the intruder and focused on draining out the pain.

I heard yelling from down the hall as footsteps echoed in the corridor. Hands blindly reached around me, some tugging at the blanket, some tugging at my skin. The pain was like a buzzing sound in my head, eliminating every feeling except the want to escape.

"Mister Death Sir, please. Stop fighting!" I kicked and screamed, vulnerable in all ways, scared of what was happening to me.

"" I whimpered as they draped me across the bed. Hands pinning me down as they pressed against my chest, strong healing spells flowing through their fingers, numbing the pain but it lingers at the corner of my mind.

"Relax sir..." I cracked open an eye to see a maid looking back at me. Her hair of a rich honey blonde but her eyes were slitted like a cat and strangely green, the colour of freshly cut grass.

"Wh...where am I?" I muttered.

"Your room sire. Guestroom. Your niece found you and brought you here. We had presumed you to be resting but you appeared neurotic." She said with a bow.

"Yes, yes I remember now. Where is Ursula?" I carefully sat up as they all rushed to my side, adjusting my pillows and such. I couldn't remember the last time I had maids or help.

"In the observatory sir." She said.

"Right. Thank you...miss?"

"Liliane sire." She curtsied as I struggled to stand up, sheets falling down as I didn't bother to conceal my modesty that has been Violated only by a thousand eyes.

"Sire. I must insist that you should rest. You're weak." Her voice quivered as her eyes flickered up and down me, a faint blush tinting her skin as she hurried to drape me with the blanket.

"No, I'm fine. I must get to-Hades." My eyes darkened as I remembered him.

"Sire, you should rest." I ignored her words as I walked forward, my body stumbling as the maids gripped my arms as I threatened to fall.

"Its fine. I can walk for myself." I am the deity of death, if I could reap the souls of every mortal on earth, I can last a thousand steps.

I walked, gripping tightly to the walls as the maids trailed slowly behind me, I couldn't understand why I was so weak, every strength I had now dissolved and I was left no more than a mere foal struggling to walk for the first time.

I burst into the observatory, my feet disobeying me as I tripped and fell to the ground, the maids rushing to help me up while I dismissed them.

"Mister Death, I have been expecting you." Ursula said as she stood at the telescopes, looking through it.

I stumbled my way towards her, wrapping the blanket tighter around me.

"Ursula? What's going on? Why are you so..." That's when she looked away from the telescope and looked at me, her eyes. Her eyes were flashing with gold, shining bright like a star.

This was not Ursula.

"Who are you?"

She spoke in such a formal tone, a foreign voice that it startled me. No, this wasn't my niece.

"We are the Keres." She spoke as her eyes sparkled and shone.

No, it couldn't be. The Keres..they were a myth. The Keres were the death deities of violent deaths, legend has it, they existed alongside the death of dying soldiers and were said to be the female reapers of the world. The Valkyries, a race of harsh female warriors would pray to them so as to win the favour in war but they were myths. I had never seen them, neither had Hades so I didn't pay them much attention.

"What do you want. What are you doing in the girl?" I spoke in a calm tone as the pain started arriving, sending me into a violent shudder.

"She allowed us entry. This girl has said yes to give us a vessel and we have fulfilled her wish for death. She summoned us and we have come. She called for death and we have repaid our debt. She is ours now." They smiled.

"What debt? What are you talking about you old hags?! Leave her alone." I threatened.

"You? In that shape, oh please, you see my dear old dog, she has asked for death to fall upon a certain Mister Hades and we have delivered but of course, the mind of an eleven year old is so simple. Kill is good, bind is bad but she didn't know that of course, she didn't know of your bind to Hades proper did she?" Keres laughed as she cocked an eyebrow.

"I-I..." I suddenly collapsed to the ground, pressing my hands against my ears to block the buzzing in my head, the maids rushed over but I couldn't pay any attention to them, only the pain.

"Well I suppose our business is done here. Maids, remove of this dying corpse and send him to die out in the dungeon. I will see that he is properly disposed, I'm afraid we'll have to leave now. Goodbye old dog."

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