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He bared his teeth, a sharp growl emitting from his throat as he grabbed my body, slamming me against the clouds as mist swirled around, a sharp crack could be heard from my ribs.

I snapped at him, scratching frantically at his exposed skin as black ooze leaked out from the wounds. I threw my head back and winked my teeth into his arm and bit a chunk off, the flesh separating from the skin, the metallic taste bleeding into my mouth making me spit it directly into Hades's eyes.

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" He released me as I flew away, roaring at the thunder and the lightning.

"Why can't you be civilized for once? You're nothing but a whiny child who wants power. I never understood why you're being so overdramatic."

"Overdramatic...OVERDRAMATIC?! All my life, I have lived under your shadow Thanatos. Oh he's so good at this and that and blah blah promotion. Who the hell cares?! I'm the king of Hades, I helped defeat father while you wallowed in your own filth. I am better than some bastard son." Hades screeched as it started raining.

The silence was deafening as the thoughts in my head were swimming. All this time I had assumed that Hades hated me for the sake of hating me but now, I was utterly and completely speechless.

"Is this what those...centuries and years and millenniums were about...a stupid grudge?!" I cried.

"It's not stupid." Hades spoke in such a quiet mutter that I could barely hear it.

"It is. All these years I thought you despised me but...its all so ridiculous. She's right. Ursula was right...its all stupid. We're all family, we're suppose to act like one not go around slashing at each other's throats." I suppose this was one of the moments where humans described this as 'mind exploding' I think was the proper term.

I was so mind boggled that I didn't think to check behind me until it was too late. Hades has snuck up behind me and launched me into the air, having me fall at a thousand feet as my wings were clipped and unable to properly function as I frantically flapped, trying to gain momentum.

I could feel the wind pull at my face, nipping at my heels as I struggled. The whistling prominent and the emerging image of the ground flowing closer to my face.

I cried out, the ground slamming into my body, a dog of dust collecting as I pounded into the ground leaving a crater. I was knocked unconscious, the darkness approaching at the edges of my eyes as a pair of boots approached me.

"You see little brother, I always win and I will always get what I want. I am better than you and I will end you once and for all, you hear me? Death you call yourself but the real death is the one I rule. Goodbye." I blinked once, twice.

The darkness was nearing, motioning for me to follow. Her mane of black drifting behind me. The blanket curling around like a mother with its cub. The strength fading from my existence as the world drifted to a grey.

This is the day where I almost died.

Almost. I was nearing the edge of oblivion and as one may say, Death has to die someday.

That's when a voice called out, it was familiar like a memory you can't quite remember, the sense of déjà vu that envelopes me.

"Leave him alone."

I weakly turned my head to the side to see a person wearing a cloak of velvet, the hood covering the face of the mysterious stranger who I suppose I should refer to as my saviour.

"Excuse me? This is a family matter. Leave now or I'll turn you to dust and if you're lucky, I might even let you live. Excruciating pain of course but at least you get to live to see your beating heart out of your chest." Hades let a smile curl onto his face.

"Family matters? Then I suppose it includes me too. I am your daughter after all." The stranger removes his hood and...huh...I must be delirious...I must be going crazy...yeah...delirious...outta my mind..

It was Ursula. Maybe some sort of illusion of her, perhaps a mirage, I had experienced one when I was traveling the Sahara desert of course, it wasn't that I was dehydrated but a trick played by the Egyptian gods.

The thing is, she didn't seem shimmering or translucent like a mirage, she was as solid as can be.

"U-Ursula?" I gasped as I collapsed back to the ground and the world went spinning. I could hear faint voices in the background, one belonging to a female and the other Hades.

"Let him go."

"Why should I? He's mine."

"Let him go and I'll spare you."

"Is that a joke? You're hilarious. If I can defeat Death or your precious uncle, why should you be a problem? Now step aside or I'll obliterate you."

"Will you? I'm afraid that I have-"

And it all went black after that.

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