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"Ursula. Ursula Fenway." I read on the file before flipping through it to check if this was the right one.

Ursula's picture stared out, smiling at me with a toothy grin. We were now one step closer to solving Ursula's problem.

"Ursula. Did you know that your last name was Fenway?" I asked as she looked up from a cosmopolitan magazine.

"Yep. Was it important?" I felt my insides shrivel and a dam of tears flooding my heart. I wasted so much time looking for a single file while Ursula could've told me her last name.

"Take a look at it." I hissed through gritted teeth, unable to trust myself to speak without screaming out my yells of frustration.

" says here that I like ice-cream...I am a well behaved child...and...huh. I apparently went to this orphanage and then before that, this one." She pointed to two pictures of ugly orphanages that were dull and dreary but had painstakingly bright banners with crayon scrawled words across it.

"Blairwicker's Orphanage in Burkittsville and Lillie's Little Love Bugs home for children in Brooklyn." She made a face at the second orphanage.

"Anything else of importance inside the file?" I stretched over her, trying to look at the file.

"Well...there's-" Before she could finish speaking, she suddenly broke out in a sudden shake, shivering and convulsing into different positions.

"Oh for the love Of-What's wrong with you humans?!" I cried before pressing two fingers to Ursula's forehead.

Normally, this would cause the person's body to numb and slip into unconsciousness but there was something blocking my touch, when I tried to push through the block, a shock sizzled through my body.

What sort of power could block the touch of a death deity. I was certain that there was some dark presence behind this and the mystery seemed darker than I first thought

"W-what happened? head hurts..." Ursula stilled as her eyes flickered open.

I ignored her, pacing back and forth, what creature could put up a shield so strong that I couldn't penetrate through. Even Justice wasn't so powerful that she could block the touch of Death. There were many gods and deities out there that could be put to blame for this yet none of them came to mind.

"Mister Death sir, can we go now? We've been here for like forever?" Ursula's voice broke my trance as I nodded and brought her to the orphanage.

There were beds littering the main room with a few people lying on their beds, in particular was one girl with a soul scarred and scratched yet shone bright. She was laughing with another girl with flowing hair that reminded me of the flickering flames in Hell.

"This...Its familiar...I don't know how but..." Ursula started moving mindlessly as if she was controlled by strings that were pulling her forehead.

She sat down on a bed in the corner of the room, a glaze forming over her blank eyes. It was as if time had slowed down for this girl and nothing mattered except how her eyes flickered up and down, trying to scrape memories from the decrepit walls and stained mattresses.

"Yes...I remember. This was where I used to sleep. I had been here for...three years..." She peeled away at a poster to reveal a roughly scratched name that spelt 'Ursula'.

"Is there anything else you can remember?" I prompted her to continue.

"I...that's when mommy and daddy got me...I don't think anything else happened except...well, I didn't really get along with the other girls." I sat down on the bed as it squeaked under my weight.

"They were all so...distant. I was different...always had these strange curiosity about monsters and...drawings." She muttered as she ran her fingers over her name.


"I used to draw like pictures of monsters. I didn't know why but I always had this...fascination with them. Especially death." Her eyes met mine as a silence overtook the room.

"I wasn't scared when I met you, I didn't know why. It was as if I felt like I finally belonged. I can't remember anything else." She looked away with a saddened expression.

"Child, nothing is wrong with you. You have one of the brightest souls I have ever seen and even if I didn't see your soul, you still seem bright in character." She smiled slightly at my words of comfort.

"Well then, let's head to the other orphanage." I rose when she quietly stared at the ground.

"What's wrong?" I asked her, worry inching into my voice.

"Its just...nothing never mind." She quietened with a smile before we disappeared in a gust of wind.

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