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Peace. All I can feel is peace, no more chaos, no more life, no more death. Just eternal peace.

I smiled as "Ode To Joy" played in the background. I had admired the music of humans, the beautiful melodies that they could make from mere objects.

I suppose, humans are remarkable creatures. It took me this long to understand that and to appreciate it but its not too late to stay and enjoy humanity's gift. Their many emotions and smiles that they bring.

I smiled as I turned on the television to watch my niece's heaven. She was sitting in some sort of daycare, eating ice-cream and drawing pictures with her friends. She was smiling and you could see the pure joy that emitted from her soul that shone bright.

"Hello brother." I turned my head to see Hades standing beside me, his suit still crisp and his face still handsome now that his hatred was gone, a strange smile decorated his face.

"You're dead." I said out loud.

"And so are you." He walked towards me and stood inches away, his hands positioned behind his back as he stared deeply into my eyes.

"Where are we?"

"We're in your head." Hades used a finger to tap his skull as the song stopped like a record getting scratched.

"What?" I froze.

"You forgot something dear brother, we're not humans, we don't get to go to Heaven. We only die and go to either Hell, Purgatory or Tartarus. After all, we are the beasts of humanity. Its where we belong." Hades put a hand on my shoulder as I shivered but refused to flinch from his contact.

"Are you really here?" Hades smiled again but shook his head.

"You ask too many questions brother. Let me ask you one question. Do you still hate me?" Hades asked as he dropped his hand.

I thought for a while, I had grown to hate Hades all these years. I had so much time reaping to despise him and hate him but now, after his reason. I can understand why he would hate me, living under someone's shadow, that isn't pleasant neither is it satisfying. I didn't forgive him but neither did I hate him.

A special human girl once told me this, my brother and I are both of the same blood, we're suppose to be family so why don't we act like family? Family isn't suppose to make you happy, they're suppose to make you cry and hate them but love them all the same.

They're suppose to make you unhappy, to make you run away and cry out in misery. They're suppose to eat your food and waste away your time, not bake you an apple pie and greet you kindly. I suppose that's why we're family in a twisted way.

I shook my head as Hades's smile blossomed and 'Ode To Joy' started playing again. We sat there in peaceful silence, brothers in arm, enjoying the serenity of the situation, unaware of the outside world when we were living in perfect harmony.


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