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Hades changed form into one of a huge beast with claws that were sharp and a face so ghastly and horrid that his face would make flowers wilt and the sun shy away from the sky. He looked like a rabid dog that was morphed with a troll and heightened to the height of his house, bursting through the roof and growling as his eyes peeled shadows and exuded an air of evil. This was Hades's true form, the one of the monster seen in myths and legends.

"YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE COME HERE." He growled and the sound echoed throughout the land, souls trembling upon hearing that sound and the monsters in Tartarus cheering him on with cackled cries.

I brandished my scythe, the weapon that has been entrusted to me upon my new job and the only weapon that could kill Hades. I rose to my true form, a shadow creature that had the face of a thousand nightmares and donned the attire of a blanket of the night sky. My eyes holes that were filled with the light of stars, the eyes that had seen the deaths of a thousand souls. I would think that I resembled the creature called a dragon and breathed black smoke as I clawed my way to Hades.

"Maybe I shouldn't but you can't run from Death can you?" I flew up in the fog, hiding between the darkness that separates the Underworld from the night.

"That may be true but I'm not exactly Death am I? I'm more than Death, I'm superior compared to Death." His voice was nearing, low and menacing.

"I'm afraid I'm talking about me. You were scared of me, you did all those things to prove yourself more than me. Locking me up, torturing me, hiding the Underworld from me. You did all these things to hide from me. I wasn't the only one running away from were  running from me too." Realization dawned upon me as I danced through the clouds, breathing dark fire that burned through the sky like a flaming star.

"What the hell are you talking about?! You've lost your mind! You can't seriously think that I, Hades, King of the Underworld and ruler of the dead was scared of a measly deity that is lower than me."

"But you are. If you weren't, you wouldn't have forced me to submit to you as a slave. You would've killed me but you were trying to prove something as were trying to prove something. Perhaps that you're better than me? Stronger? I don't know but all I know is that under all that tough exterior is a sniveling pile of fear." I cried and jumped out at Hades, wrapping myself around him and forcing myself upon him, clawing as he hollered and tried to throw me down.

"Your mind has been polluted with arrogance. I was never scared of you nor am I trying to prove a point, I was just trying to keep my little brother in this hell hole where he belonged!" Hades roared and took a swipe at me, making me fall as I stretched my bat-like wings to take flight.

"Then why are you so worried about my presence? Why don't you just kill me right now? The question is not whether I can die but if you can kill me before I kill you." I dove past the clouds, seeing peeks of Hades through the misty weather and diving towards him, scythe in claw, scratching his eyes out with it as he cried out.

"Brother, your belief in yourself astonishes me but I agree, let's settle this once and for all." He snapped before taking a swipe at my body, sending me plummeting down.

I had to keep my focus if I was going to defeat him. Hades was strong but he wasn't invincible. I was weaker than him but I knew him better than anyone, especially his weaknesses.

He was arrogant and a proud god. He had an ego that was as large as his kingdom. A good king knows his boundaries yet this king sees himself able to challenge God.

"Hades, what happened to your little wife? Persephone yes?" I hid as my dark eyes swept the clouds for any sign of movement.

"She's none of your business."

"Is she? For my dear sister-in-law has escaped I hear? Supposedly because she couldn't stand being in vicinity with you." I taunted.

"Nonsense, who wouldn't love being with me for I am Hades, the son of Cronus, the mighty lord of gods and I am the king of the dead, lord of the underworld. I am the all powerful god of death!" Hades cried as thunder plundered through the waves of the sky.

"Then why do you cry of your importance if you are sure of it?"

"Don't twist my words you dog, have you forgotten who's your master? You're the dirt on my bottom of my shoe, a pest. You should bow down to me, you idiotic dog. You soulless bastard."

"Its funny that you say that, even the bastard child can be better than the son of the king of gods." I flew between the clouds, cold and silent.

"You always were daddy's favorite. Never understood why, you were not of proper royalty. Nothing more than a peasant but he gave you the crown. Beside me, what did you do to win his favour? You were such a good dog to him weren't you? He says jump, you say how high."

"At least I worked for my crown. What have you done other than cry and weep that daddy dearest gave me the crown."

And like the predator, he strikes.

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