Would You Rather

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Sang's POV

After the movie was over everyone turned and stared at me. I could immediately tell that they loved it. There was excitement in their eyes and they were all trying to hide their grins.

I asked them what they wanted to watch next time, but I was messing with them. That was enough Disney for one night.

I laughed outright at their groans, but I could tell a few of them were fake. Kota left to get the blankets and pillows and the others helped him. Before I got up from North's lap, I whispered in his ear, "You'll watch them with me won't you North?"

When I pulled back, I saw his torn expression. He looked around and then leaned down to whisper, "It will be our little secret, Sang Baby." Which set me off into a fit of giggles.

I helped set up the make shift beds and everyone found a place to sleep.

"Ready for round two, Aggele?" I knew he was referring to this morning and I couldn't help but blush, I was hoping to avoid all this.

North punched Silas in the arm and the others tried hide their chuckles, but they were not doing a great job.

Before I could reply, I was saved by Luke as he led me towards the empty spot between him and Gabe. This was met with complaints from the others.

"No way are you going to sleep with Sang in the middle of you two," Kota quickly pointed out.

"We'll behave, don't worry," Luke assured.

"Oy, Trouble is the one who causes all the trouble anyway!" I shot a glare at Meanie for hanging me out to dry, but Kota quickly demanded my attention.

"Sang, no messing with these two okay?"

Before I could answer, the others were kind enough to point out what else I shouldn't do.

"No giggling!"

"No pouting."

"No more eating sweets." Uh, North.

I rolled my eyes at their supposedly funny banter. I looked to Meanie and smiled. Together we said, "Let's play a game ......."

The others groaned good-naturedly as our games nowadays could sometimes get out of hand.

Luke suggested Truth or Dare, but we played that last time.

"How about we play 'would you rather' for a change?"

The smiles I got in return were kind of creepy. They seemed way too happy with this sudden change of events.

"Great! I'll start, Trouble, would you rather -

"Wait! A few rules!" I shouted before he could continue. Meanie glared at me but nodded and let me continue.

"Okay so no asking me who I like the best or anything like that, Meanie can ask a person the question and after they answer, they can choose someone else and asked them a question and so on, okay?"

The others agreed and I smiled at Gabe, letting him continue.

"So, Trouble, would you rather be trapped in an elevator with wet dogs or with three fat men with bad breath?"

The others chuckle around me as I list the pros and cons out loud. On one hand, the dogs could be cute, but they could jump all over you, unlike the three fat men (hopefully). The idea of the three fat men freaked me out a little so I confidently picked the wet dogs.

"My turn!" My over excitement made everyone laugh.

I looked around the group and locked eyes with my new victim. I took a deep breath and regain my composure.

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