Declarations of Love

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Sang's POV

The walk with Max really cleared my head. I picked nine flowers for nine of my guys that I spotted in the woods. Girly, I knew, but who cared? The weather was great and the clean air helped me think. I would tell them I loved them soon. Whenever the timing suited. I would tell them the truth, that I loved them all, that I couldn't and wouldn't choose between them. I would drop the bomb on them and then wait for their reaction. They might laugh and tell me to get lost, or yell at me and be angry, or be sad and heartbroken.


That's it I wouldn't tell them, or maybe it was just easier to get it over ..........

My mind was driving me crazy! I was broken out of the argument I was having with myself by Max who let out a bark. I took out my phone to check the time and saw it was gone dead. HOLY CRAP! How long had I been walking? The sun was fully in the sky and I could see that the neighborhood was waking up.

I immediately sprint back to Kota's. If the boys were awake, they were probably freaking out. I should've left a note or something. I came in through the same garage door and I could hear yelling. Uh oh!

I let Max loose and headed towards the door, ready to face the music. I reached for the handle of the door when I was struck with what the boys were saying.

I knew it was bad but I couldn't help but eavesdrop.

I stood still and had to control my breathing. I didn't move a muscle in fear of missing a word they said. They loved me? ALL OF THEM?! Loved ME! I listened to the last part and it hit me. They loved me and they thought I'd been taken! Oh crap!

I quickly slammed the door open and faced everyone. I saw looks of joy and relief and love on their faces. I smiled so big it felt like my face was going to rip! I was lost for words as I stared at my guys.

Their looks quickly changed though to angry and pissed off. They all crossed their arms and gave me 'THE' look. They would be the best worrying mothers in another life, I thought to myself.

They waited for me to explain myself, but I was still getting over the fact that they'd just said they loved me! Okay, so maybe it wasn't to my face but still, I was overjoyed!

"Where the f*ck were you, Sang Baby?"

Everyone looked at me with mixed emotions. I could tell they were ecstatic to see I was okay, but the fright of me being taken had shaken them up. I tried to think of an excuse when I remembered the flowers I picked in my hand.

I lamely held the flowers out to them and grinned sheepishly.

"Surprise!" I said lamely, which caused them to smile and their shoulders to relax. Phew, that was a close one!

Now it was time to get back to the REAL issue at hand.

These nine incredible guys loved me and I loved them!

I was about to address the talk I overheard when North interrupted me.

"Sang Baby, you don't call or even leave a f*cking note?" I mentally smiled as that sounded like something a mother hen would say. Gabe was quick to join in.

"Trouble, do you have any idea how worried we were?!"

They looked nervous and I thought they were only asking me those questions to try and deflect from what was said not even a minute ago.

I thought it was best to come straight out with it.

"You all love me?"

I knew my voice sounded timid, but I couldn't help it. I held my breath as they did their secret communication thing. The silence was unbearable. When it was apparently deemed ok, North walked straight up to me. Before I could move a muscle he had swooped down and kissed me, a mad passionate kiss that felt like heaven. He broke the kiss and we both had to catch our breath.

"Sang Baby, I love you," he said simply. Before I could reply, he kissed my lips once again before walking back to his spot. I was about it call him back so I could confess my love for him too but the boys had other plans. My hand was snatched up by Victor, who kissed it sweetly. He raised his head and the fire in his eyes was burning me to the spot.

"I love you, Princess!"

He leaned in and I met him half way for a perfect kiss. We broke apart and when he turned, someone was already In his place.

My hand was picked up again but for another reason. Honey put one of my fingers in his mouth and chewed, causing me to giggle.

"Of course I love you, Peanut."

He then pulled me towards him while dropping my fingers from his mouth. He molded my body with his and gave me a searing kiss that was too quick. He pulled away with a dazzling smile, but before I could even open my mouth to speak he was gone.

Silas's huge form took his place. I had to look up to make eye contact. He looked at me with a mixture of love, relief and nerves.

"Aggele Mou, I love you."

And with that he pulled me up into his famous hug. I was so happy in his arms, I never wanted to leave.

When he placed me on the floor, he kissed me quickly and then I was turned to face a nervous but happy Luke. He grabbed me by the shoulders and dipped me back for one of those romantic movie looking kisses. When we broke apart I was gasping for air but couldn't help but giggle.

"I'll love you forever," He whispered so softly with a big grin in place. The second I was upright I was swung around to face my Meanie.

"Trouble, I love you so f*cking much." Typical Meanie response.

With that, he leaned down and kissed me gently on the lips. The kiss slowly grew and we were interrupted by someone clearing their throat.


We broke apart with sheepish grins. Gabe turned away and I could hear him muttering about not enough time when Sean's hands came up to hold my face.

"I love you, Pookie," he whispered almost reverently and with that kissed me so sweetly on the lips. We broke apart, both smiling like idiots, I was giddy and wanted to shout I loved all of them when Kota stepped forward. He took hold of my hands and looked down to count my fingers. When he was pleased they were all there he looked me right in the eye.

"I love you, Ten." We kissed softly on the lips, as if that was all that was needed to show our love.

I turned and faced Owen, my perfect Owen. He stepped forward and looked me straight in the eye and for all to hear said, "I love you Sang." He used my first name in front of everyone! I jumped into the kiss, causing him to chuckle as he wrapped his arms around me.

When we broke apart I faced my guys. Finally able to get a word in.

"I love you too, all of you! I'm sorry, I can't choose. I don't want to break up this family."

I felt tears forming at what this could mean, would I have to leave them?

The others were quick to speak but it wasn't until Owen explained it.

"Miss Sorenson, if you love us all we can make it work, that was the deal. We've known for a while now how we felt."

I was shocked at hearing this but overjoyed. Now we could really be a family. I was bursting on the spot with my love for the guys and did the only thing I could think of...

"GROUP HUG!" I shouted.

As quick as a flash I was surrounded. We all laughed. I was surrounded by warmth and love.

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