Panic at the Disco

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North's POV

I woke up from a good sleep. It would had been better if Sang Baby was in my arms, but I would wait my turn for later as I would be the one staying with her tonight. That made me smile. I looked over, desperate to see my beauty sleeping peacefully.

What I saw freaked me out in more ways than one.

A few seconds went by before I could react, ignoring the disturbing sight I saw of Mr. B and Doc, I jumped up and searched the house, starting with the kitchen, Kota's bedroom, the bathroom and everywhere I could think of. When my search came up empty, I ran back in to the guys.

"Where the f*ck is Sang Baby?!"

Yup, that oughta wake them up.

Victor's POV

I was dreaming about Sang, as usual, when North's booming voice woke me up. It took me a few seconds to realize what he had just said. Where was Princess?!

I bolted upright and saw a very angry and panicked North. SHIT!

I started shouting questions at him the same time everyone else did. In a matter of seconds everyone was running around looking through the rooms for Sang. I checked the cameras at her house, hoping she just needed to get something and that was why she wasn't here. I had just finished looking through each camera and my worry grew with my empty search. I rang and rang her phone but there was no answer. I was getting up to check outside when Kota shouted at us. Did he find her?

Kota's POV

I woke up to North shouting. Nothing new there. The second Sang's name was mentioned, however, I jumped up.

"What's going on?"

My question was drowned out by everyone else shouting. I looked around and saw everyone was tense and alert. Mr. B and Doc were focused on what was going on, but they looked weird as they both had pink cheeks. What went on there?

I redirected my attention to North, who said he couldn't find Sang. We immediately split up and searched my house. I headed to the kitchen while the others checked upstairs and the garden. I was looking for clues when I spotted the garage door slightly ajar. Hope built inside me as I pushed through, but it vanished as quickly as it came. The whole garage was empty, even Max was gone. There was a mess on the ground where some old magazines and clothes had been knocked over. SHIT!

There appeared to be no other signs of a break in and when I doubled checked the garage door, it was unlocked. I ran back into the kitchen and shouted for the guys. Within seconds they were all in the kitchen with me and I explained to them what I saw. Sang must've been taken out the garage way and there was a struggle based on the knocked over stuff. Everyone's face hardened and we looked to Mr. Blackbourne to tell us our plan of action.

Owen's POV

When I was abruptly woken up by North, I was shocked to open my eyes and find that I was cuddling with Sean and not my Sang. We were in a rather intimate position and we both shared a look of horror. In a flash we had broken apart and bolted upright. I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks, neck and ears. Sh*t I was blushing. I looked at Sean and was relieved to see so was he.

My attention snapped back to North when he said that Sang was missing. We quickly dispersed and checked everywhere we could until Kota called us into the kitchen. The look on his face told me what I needed to knew. The plan was forming in my mind on what course of action to take before Kota had confirmed that Sang was missing and that there appeared to be a struggle.

The others did not react well to the news, as expected.

"How was she taken right from under our noses again?" Nathan yelled while North headed straight to the wall and punched it, busting his knuckles. Gabriel was furious as his eyes begin to glaze over. He was muttering curses and I knew I would have to keep an eye on him. The others were in similar distress. I had to keep them on track.

"Listen! I know this is terrible, but we need to keep it together, we need to stay focused and then we can get the girl we love back and find whoever took her!" This encouraged everyone to settle down but the realization set in.

"F*cking hell, I can't lose Sang Baby. I love her too much!"

"She's our Trouble, we gotta get her back! I need to tell her I love her!"

"Let's get going so I can tell my Peanut I love her."

"I need my Ten, I can't lose the girl I love."

"She's my Princess, she owns my heart dammit!"

"I need my Forever. I love her more than chocolate chip pancakes for crying out loud!"

"Pookie needs to know that I love her!"

"Agapó ángelos tóso polý, as páme."

"Let's get Miss Sorenson back so I can tell her I love her." I said joining in with my team.

After our outburst we quieted down and I was about to give the orders when a loud bang captured my attention. I turned around and was facing our beautiful Sang, who had a look of pure shock on her face. I was so relieved she was here but then I remembered.


She'd heard every word we'd just said.

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