el sat with max, flipping through a book. it was friday, the day before the snowball. el was getting worse. she knew it. she had tried to find ten, but ten wasn't alive. el couldn't feel ten. it was weird; they had a bond in which they could feel each other. but she couldn't feel ten. ten couldn't be the one hurting her.
the bell rang for the second class of the day. el shrugged, saying bye to max and going to her classroom. she saw mike at a desk. he looked terrible, and she had caused it. she was the source of his pain.
"hey," she softly said.
"hey. are you okay babe?"
"yeah," el nodded, lying. "it's been going down- the symptoms. i'm excited for the snowball tomorrow."
"it's going to be fun," mike replied, almost uncertainly. class passed boringly. el tapped her pencil and doodled on her notes, waiting for lunch so she could go to the quote wall.
the bell rang again, and mike grabbed her hand as they wove their way through school to the bathroom.
"we should have a sleepover tonight," el murmured.
"i liked will's song," el added. "that one he always sings."
"should i stay or should i go?"
"that one." they fell into silence as they entered the bathroom. "i'm surprised that not caught," el said. mike furrowed his eyebrows. there were still things el said that made no sense.
"i honestly don't even know anymore. oh no," mike started, wincing at the thought. "i forgot i had a grammar review now, um, meet up later?"
"yeah, i'll see you," el answered, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "by the way, lip gloss." mike rubbed at his cheek and hugged her, leaving.
el wrote her quote and sighed, touching the pen. it smudged one of the letters, and she rubbed the ink on her sleeve. she silently read the quote, wishing that it wasn't true.
"she loved him and he loved her, but it wasn't that simple."

bathroom stalls » mileven
Fanfiction[ complete ] little girl eleven byers meets sad boy mike wheeler and tries to fix him. she didn't realize she needed fixing. [ this is not a very good story ]