jane smiled at mike, uncapping her pen. this was their fifth tutoring session. it had been almost two weeks since he first asked her to help.
"basically, cells are the unit of life. there are two kinds: eukaryotic and prokaryotic. prokaryotic cells are more primitive, you could say, since they have flagellum, plasma membrane, cell wall, nucleoid, plasmid, cytoplasm, and a chromosome."
"eukaryotic cells are like plant and animal cells, right? prokaryotic cells are basically like bacteria."
"yeah, if it's easier to think about it that way," jane said, opening the textbook. mike was sitting to her right. he suddenly reached out and grabbed her right arm, twisting it to look at her forearm.
jane freaked, pulling back but she couldn't escape his grip. she had been so careful for the past week.
there, printed ever so delicately, were the numbers: 012.

bathroom stalls » mileven
Fiksi Penggemar[ complete ] little girl eleven byers meets sad boy mike wheeler and tries to fix him. she didn't realize she needed fixing. [ this is not a very good story ]