mike sighed, threw his book into his bag, and rubbed his forehead. biology was still hard as ever. he started to make his way to the door, when a voice caught him off guard.
"hi, um," he turned around to see her. "i noticed you seem to be struggling in biology, and well, i have a decent grade in this class and-"
"are you a tutor?" mike interrupted. she seemed startled that he did so and closed her mouth, nodding. "i need a tutor then."
"we can start today after school at the library," she said. mike took this time to examine her features. she reminded him of her. perhaps it was their face shape. if she had blonde hair, she would have looked exactly like eleven. the girl had wavy brown hair and chocolate eyes.
"i'll meet you inside at 3?" mike asked, nervously capping and uncapping his pen.
"i never caught your name," mike said.
"jane?" he raised an eyebrow.
"jane ives," she said and tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

bathroom stalls » mileven
Fiksi Penggemar[ complete ] little girl eleven byers meets sad boy mike wheeler and tries to fix him. she didn't realize she needed fixing. [ this is not a very good story ]