the night passed uneventfully. they stayed up to two am, finally deciding to sleep. el woke first. she shook mike awake, sitting back on her heels. max and el were on the couches. mike, lucas, will, and dustin were all splattered across the floor.
"hey, what's up?" mike tiredly asked, tucking a strand of her blonde hair back.
"eggos." mike nodded, stood, and rubbed his eyes. the two walked upstairs. el sat on the counter as mike placed two eggos into the oven.
"excited for the snowball?" mike asked, taking out the juice.
"yeah," el meekly said. something felt wrong.
"you okay?"
"okay," mike answered slowly, rubbing his head. max walked into the room, sighing. lucas followed closely behind.
"let's never stay up late again."
"please, it wasn't that bad," lucas said and rolled his eyes.
"i honestly expected lucas to sleep first, but he was last." max sleepily grabbed at the counter, sitting herself next to el. el flopped down on the counter.
"here, el, eggo." mike threw the eggo at el who caught it. she nodded, taking a bite of it.
"so snowball is later."
"i asked jennifer hayes out," will blurted. they turned to see will standing in the doorway.
"you came out of nowhere," el muttered, rubbing her head.
"did she say yes?" max asked, laying down next to el.
"yeah," will blushed. "i'm going to go get her at 5:30."
"awwwwwww!" dustin squealed from behind will.
"food," lucas murmured, grabbing an apple.
"well, we should let the girls get ready. it's eleven."
"eleven?" el asked.
"time," will said, pointing to a clock. it was 11:06.
"we probably should since it starts at 6."
"um, we'll see you later?" el asked. max and her ran upstairs to nancy's room.
"excited to get ready?" nancy asked, opening her door. she looked ready for the day.
the girls did their hair and make-up, pausing for a late lunch at 1 pm. nancy curled el's blonde wig hair and braided max's hair into a crown braid. el did max's make-up minimally with some light purple eyeshadow to match her dress. el kept it simple and wore mascara and lip gloss.
"you girls look gorgeous," nancy praised, smiling widely.
"thanks," max grinned.
"i'm excited, we should get pictures," el pieced together. it was weird. sometimes, she could speak perfectly, and other times, she couldn't string together a single sentence.
"ready? we're going to leave and get dinner," mike yelled. the boys had gotten ready at 4 and were preparing to leave at 5. it was 4:54 pm.
"coming!" nancy shouted.
the girls walked downstairs. max and el were wearing converse because both of them couldn't walk in heels. nancy grabbed her polaroid camera, smiling and urging them to get together. mike and el took a picture together, and max and el took one together. then, the entire gang took another picture together. they had to stay still for 6 copies to be printed.
"can we stop at the bathroom stall?" el asked.
"pretty?" el asked again, stopping in front of mike. he stood, awestruck, and blushed.
"you're more than pretty," he paused, tucking a curl behind her ear and grabbing her hand. "beautiful. you're so beautiful."

bathroom stalls » mileven
Fanfiction[ complete ] little girl eleven byers meets sad boy mike wheeler and tries to fix him. she didn't realize she needed fixing. [ this is not a very good story ]