"el!" mike called, tugging on his girlfriend's arm. she turned, startled at the sight of mike, and dropped her books. "sorry," he mumbled, feeling himself go pink with embarrassment.
"fine," el half-heartedly replied. she didn't seem to be in the moment. it was as if her mind was conflicted.
"you okay, babe?"
"babe?" el asked.
"it's like a term of endearment, like saying honey or something."
"i like it," el murmured. her eyes were focused off into the distance. he waved his hand in front of her eyes. "sorry, a lot on my mind."
"are you sure you're okay, babe?" el nodded. "well, are you ready to do the quotes?" mike asked, placing the last book in el's arms. el nodded. they slowly wove their way to the bathroom. el locked the door, pulling the cap off of her sharpie.
"i have a story," el said, slowly writing the story on the wall as she spoke. "the sun and the moon loved each other so much that he died every night to let her breathe."
"el, are you sure you're okay?" mike concernedly asked.
"never been better," she lied, guilt welling up in her. she had to lie. she had to protect him. they had barely survived the last time she was taken. he couldn't survive without her, and she feared for him. she knew he had bad days, days where all he wanted to do was go back to that cliff and jump. he wanted to jump, and he hoped that she wouldn't save him. el didn't know what was happening, but he wasn't good. he was sick somehow.
"well, i also have a story then," mike said. "there was a queen who gained the throne, the favor of the people – everything she wanted – but she lost the one she loved. so in the end, she had everything, but she had nothing." he messily wrote that on the wall, abbreviating some things and shortening what he could.
"mike. i'm scared," she admitted, capping her pen.
"who isn't? we just have to live as if every day could be our last."
"our last," el repeated numbly, wiping away the tear that too easily slipped down her cheek. god, she was going to miss him.

bathroom stalls » mileven
Fanfic[ complete ] little girl eleven byers meets sad boy mike wheeler and tries to fix him. she didn't realize she needed fixing. [ this is not a very good story ]