Chapter 1 Marriage Arragement

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It was a rainy afternoon,when the Hanamura's visited the Saionji temple due to some trivial matters in which the boy with brunette hair and auburn eyes didn't care

"is this Shuu,Honno?”-Rin Hanamura,middle aged woman with short ginger hair and emerald eyes asked as she look at the brunette

“yeah”Honno Saionji,a man in his late forties smiled warmly as he replied and muzzled the hair of his son

“he’s grown handsome”Rin smiled at Shuu “ the way this is my daughter,Akari”she said as she introduce a beautiful girl with blonde hair and emerald eyes,same as Rin indicating that she was her daughter

“wow...she’s beautiful,”honno said

“hi!”Akari greeted to Shuu and turned to her mother “mom didn't you tell me you have something to tell me after we arrive at the Saionji temple?”

“yeah”Rin replied and look at Honno,in which honno nodded and said “we will talk about it tomorrow”

“can it be now?”Akari pleaded

“Shuu,can you show Akari to her room?”Honno said to his son

“fine”Shuu gestured Akari to follow him

“ promised”Akari said to her mother before following to Shuu

“what could be so important?”Akari thought as she drifted to sleep

The next morning

The Hanamura’s and the Saionji’s were eating their breakfast,when Honno stood up

“Akari,Shuu....last night,we grown up had talked about this matter seriously and we all came up with solution that we all agreed upon”Honno said calmly as he looked at Akari and Shuu,who were little bit nervous,becuase of the serious tension around them

“and what is the solution,Dad?”Shuu asked as he took a sip from his glass of milk

“the two of you should get.....married”Honno smiled and even made a peace sign

“what?!”Shuu and Akari were both shocked,Shuu even choked from the milk he was drinking

“your kidding right?!”Shuu asked

“no....were serious!”Rin said

“,were still young....and you want me to marry someone that i dont even know!”Akari angrily yelled as she clenched her fist and stormed out the room.Meanwhile,Shuu walked out of the room too unnoticed because of Akari’s yelling

“hey....where’s Shuu?”Honno asked,after he noticed his brunette son gone,“maybe we should talk to both of the privately and separately”a middle aged man with short blonde hair,Makoto said

“i’ll talk to Akari....Honno will go talk to Shuu”Rin said as she went to Akari’s room

inside her room,Akari was crying “how can my mom do this to me? Making me marry someone i dont even know and i’m still fifteen!”she thought as she cried and buried her face into the pillow when she heard a knock at tge door

“who’s there?”Akari asked with muffled voice,because she buried her face into the pillow “Akari it’s me mom,open the door please”Rin pleaded “no....i already know what your gonna want me to marry Shuu!”oh come on Akari....let me talk to you for just 5 mins”after a few pleading from Rin,Akari soon decided to let her mom in

“what do you want to say?”Akari muttered under her breath

“ see....Honno,me and your dad decided this because of very important matter”Rin explained

“what kind of matter?”

“ sorry but i cant tell you...but the main point is you and Shuu must get married”

“is it really that important?”Shuu also asked when his father talked to him outside the Saionji temple

“yeah...if you wont marry each other something terrible is about to happen to all of us”Honno said “but...-sigh-....fine,i’ll accept the marriage arragement”Shuu finally accepted

“i’ll accept the marriage arrangement”Akari also accepted

Living room

“since you both had finally agreed to the marriage...i will tell you now when the wedding will be week”Makoto said “that early?!”Shuu and Akari asked unison “yeah”Honno said

“mom..i have 3 condition on marrying Shuu”Akari said “what is it?”Rin asked “my 1st condition is this marriage thing should be kept confidential and the only ones that are present here today are the only ones  that should know about it 2nd: i will use my maiden name when i go to school 3rd: Shuu and i will slepp in different rooms”Akari said and then she looked at Shuu “Shuu,do you agree to the conditions?” “yeah”Shuu said with an approving nod

“ummnnn....Akari i think we have to disagree on your 3rd condition”Honno said

“huh...why?”Akari asked

“we kinda prepared your rooms already”Makoto said

“but...i cant sleep in the same room with a guy!”Akari said

“what’s wrong with that since you two are going to get married!”Rin said

“and i trust you Shuu”Honno said as he looked at his son “not to make a mistake”

“mistake?what kind of mistake?”Shuu said as he scratched his head and question mark came out his head Honno and the others can only sweat drop

“ummmnnn....Shuu,what your father meant was...he believes that you wont make a mistake with our Akari”Makoto said as he put his hand on Shuu’s shoulder “and i also believe in you”

“Dad...can you please stoo talking such embarrassing things!of course he wont make a mistake even if we sleep together,right,Shuu?”Akari said as she nudged Shuu

“ummnn....yeah”Shuu said as shades of crimson red appeared in his cheeks upon realizing the “mistake”they meant

“of course i wont do such an undignified thing...”Shuu thought

“setting that aside,can we go back to our topic awhile ago about,why you disagree with us,Shuu and i sleeping in different rooms?”Akari said

“yeah dad...we have a lot of vacant rooms!”Shuu said

“dont worry,even thought you have to sleep in the same room,you two can sleep on different beds!”Rin said “oh really!...that’s a relief”Akari said “hey,the way you speak seems suspicious!”Shuu said “huh?what do you mean by that?” “your worried about sleeping in the same room with me!...oh please dont worry...i’ll never touch you even if a knife was near my throat!”Shuu said “!”Akari’s face turned bright red,she almost looks like a newly fresh picked tomato the two were giving each other death glares while te grown ups began preparing for the wedding


Sorry if i have some wrong spelling or other mistakes just to tell me... because im just new!im still not good

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