Chapter 7 Annoying parents

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in America...

a certain middle aged woman with short ginger hair was having a conversation with middle aged man with blonde hair and a monk in the living room of their house

"Rin is this really good idea?"the monk asked to the middle aged woman "Honno don't worry i assure you thus brilliant idea!"the woman replied "but Rin what if they get mad at us?"the middle age man asked "Makoto...i know your worried about that...but they have such a boring marriage life and i want to nake it exciting!"Rin said with an evil grin that made the men sweatdropped "she's really into this"Makoto whispered to Honno "yea"Honno said with an approving nod

in heiomachi

(Monday morning at school)

"we totally had a great time!"Nami said as she and Eya approached the tired Akari who was on her seat "Akari are you okay? you seem so tired today"Eya asked "no im just terribly tired from washing the clothes i used during out outing and i still had many things to do at home"Akari said with a frown "eh? about we visit you at your home so we can help you"Nami suggested which made Akari suprised "you don't have too...its ok"Akari quickly said "ok"Nami said

Akari was about to talk to Shuu about the household chores she needs to do at home when suddenly

"Saionji Shuu and Akari please go to the teacher's office you have a package waiting for you"

"eh...what is this Akari?Saionji Shuu and Akari?Nami teased "uh?it's nit what you think!it must mean Saionji Shuu and Hanamura Akari but it just forgot to say my last name...right Shuu?"Akari nervously asked "yeah..."Shuu said

I repeat Saionji couple you have a package waiting for you at the teacher's office

suddenly all eyes were at them especially Kris's eyes who was already raging in anger and emitting dark aura "Saionji couple!Saionji couple!Saionji couple!"she repeatedly muttered as she was ready to throw a dest at the Saionji Couple

"it's not what you think!"Shuu and Akari yelled in unison and rushed out of the room and into the teacher's office after grabbing the huge package they asked for a leave for they don't want to get killed by Kris rampage

(at home)

"that was close"Shuu muttered "yeah what's this package anyway?"Akari asked as she sat on the floor next to Shuu and the huge package "i don't know...i can't even think of someone who would send us this huge package"Shuu said "oh...its from our parents"Akari said as she looked at a piece of paper that was tucked in the box and there was also a message

Dear Shuu and Akari

We are very happy here in America as you can see we sent you a package hope you like it

"like it?what is it anyway?"Shuu muttered

we sent you 2 wedding picture and its big so that you can hang it in your room or living room and theres some wedding albums too and our picture here in America

"i won't hang it...i won't even look at it!"Shuu said

be sure to hang it!okay!
best wishes from us!

"oi...Shuu...can i open the package?"Akari asked

"yeah sure"Shuu said

after ripping it open they saw 2 big photographs one was their photo of the first dance for the newlywed couple nd the other is the picture of them after the wedding

"ahh..this is so embarrassing!"Akari exclaimed when she saw the first dance  "see...i told you they really are troublesome" Shuu said trying to hide his embarrassment too

"so where will we put it?"Akari asked "you want to show it off?"Shuu said "i don't mean to show it off i just want to hang it since they dent it to us"Akari pouted "fine...just put it in our room to be safe we don't want our troublesome friends see it when they come barging in without permission"Shuu said as he took a book from a drawer and began to read while  Akari decided to look at the pictures of their parents in America

"ahhh..they're so lucky!"Akari happily said as she look at the pictures "hey!can't you keep quiet?!someone's reading here!"Shuu
said who was kinda pissed off

it was already late in the afternoon when Shuu and akari heard a knock on their front door "I'll go open it!"Akari volunteered as she dried her hands with clean cloth for she was just washing the plates they used for eating lunch

"who is it?"Akari asked happily as she opened the door but her smile quickly turned into a frown when she saw Nami,Eya and Santa at the door "Akari?why are you in Shuu's house?"Nami asked surprised

" see..."Akari was having hard time trying to make excuse for she can't say she was just visiting in Shuu's home when she's wearing a plain t-shirt and shorts and she was also wearing an apron

"eh...are you two living together?"Nami asked suspiciously

"no...but she's stay here for awhile...since her house was being...renovated"Shuu said as he came up with an excuse

"oh..."the three nodded

"why are you here?"Shuu asked as he looked at the three visitor with an annoyed face

"we were curious at the package...and we were also curious about the thing why they called you Saoinji couple"Santa said

"you two... aren't a couple right?"Eya asked

"No...were not!"the two said in unison with red faces

"if your only visiting why are you carrying bags?"Shuu asked suspiciously

"i thought we could have a sleepover party here in welcoming Hanamura-san"Santa said

"i thought we already done that..."Shuu pouted

"the beach escapade was part1 and this sleepover is part2"Santa said as he walked in followed bi Nami and Eya

"this totally sucks!"Shuu muttered "yeah...this means trouble"Akari whispered

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