Chapter 11 Mama and Papa!!??

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The next morning Shuu suddenly wake when he heard a crying voice

"Akari..."Shuu called out with mad face because he was disturbed from sleeping "oh Shuu what's with your face hahaha"Akari laughed she was enjoying playing with Yuuta

"what's with my face!?oh come on i was sleeping you know and you two are so noisy here!"Shuu angrily said and that was made Akari pissed "so what if we disturb you!!...sorry if we disturb you, you should atleast help you know i have so many too do i have too clean the laundry, cook, and etc.!!and i can't even do that because Yuuta was crying!!!!"Akari angrily said

"fine...hey have you cook breakfast already?"Shuu said "of course not if i leave Yuuta alone and no one going to take care of him he was going to cry"Akari said "ohhh... i know what to do"Akari thought

"here Shuu....Hold Yuuta for me!"Akari carefully placed in Shuu's arms and Yuuta stopped for crying

"Akari, i don't know how to take care of kids!"Shuu said as he tried to hold Yuuta in his lap, who was moving and playing

"oh come on Shuu look! he likes you!"Akari said as she was cooking their breakfast ready

Shuu was now eating while Akari tried to make Yuuta drink milk

after many troubles of feeding Yuuta he finally fell asleep and made the couple be surrounded by an awkward silence

"ugh...i hate this awkward atmosphere! it's all my head's fault! if only we didn't fight like that...but it always like that,we always fight...but somehow it's fell like it's so awkward i wonder why...ughh i wish Yuuta would wake up so he can break this awkward silence!!! "Akari mentallly mentally scolded herself

"damn it! i can't even look at her in the eyes! im such a moron for saying about those things! now see Shuu!you can't even talk to Akari camly!i wish Yuuta would wake up! he could immediately make this awkward silence go away!"Shuu mentally scolded himself

"sorry about earlier i got mad.."Shuu apologize

"it's sorry too"Akari apologize

Shuu just nodded
~awkward silence~

the awkward silence suddenly disappeared after Yuuta woke up

"did you have a good sleep Yuuta?"Akari asked

"mama!Yuuta pointed to Akari and then pointed to Shuu "papa!"

"uh, Yuuta we're not your real parents!"Shuu nervously said

"yeah your real parents was Yuki-san and Honno-san!"Akari nervously said

"mama! papa!"Yuuta said

"no we're not your parents!"Akari and Shuu both said

Akari then left Yuuta to play with Shuu when she heard the doorbell ring

" is Sunday there shouldn't ve any visitors"Akari muttered angrily for ruining her playtime with Yuuta when she opened the door she was quickly greeted by Nami and Eya's smilling faces and also Santa's goofy grin "what are you guys doing here?"Akari asked

"we came to play"Nami said and made her way inside "wait!"Akari tried to stop them but too late they already saw Yuuta happily playing

"Akari who is this baby boy?"Eya asked curiously

"uh...he's..."Akari nervously thought for some excuses

"he looks a lot like you and Shuu"Nami teased

"he's not!"Akari retorted

"oh speaking of Shuu where's he?"

"in the room"Akari pointed to her and Shuu's room

"Akari is this boy your son?"Nami asked

"of co-"Akari was interrupted by Santa "that's impossible he must be Akari's younger brother"Santa said proudly thinking he had guessed right Akari sweatdropped

"uh, yeah...thats right....hehehe"Akari decided to go along

and so Akari, Nami, Eya played with Yuuta while Shuu and Santa talked about things that only the of them has an interest

after a little while the unexpected visitor went home leaving a tired Akari and Shuu

they didn't know that behind a tree in the temple grounds a pretty tall brown haired girl was looking at them "it's nice to see you again Shuu"

who is this girl?

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